An End And a Beginning

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Mitsuki stared at her phone in horror. She ended the call before rushing back into the restaurant. 

Bakugo checked his phone and noticed he had a missed message from the Commission. "I'll be back." He grumbled as he left the room. "Oh, okay." Inko said as she was about to announce her news when Mitsuki rushed into the dining room, almost knocking over her son. "Mitsuki, what's the-" Mitsuki grabbed her wine glass off the table before chugging the entire thing "Katsumi's escaped." The room went silent. "What?" Aizawa asked. Hanako, who was rubbing pureed peaches all over her face, turned to her grandmother before frowning. Her cheeks went red as tears welled in her eyes. She slammed her chubby fists against her high chair as the mention of her mother caused her to cry. "Oh no, Hanako." Masaru picked up the child before rocking her. The rest of the adults looked at her in horror as David looked around. "Your daughter escaped? From where?" Mitsuki looked at him. "From the mental hospital. Didn't Toshinori tell you?" He looked at her confused as she angrily turned to Toshinori.


Herobrine stood atop the podium from which he announced his decrees. He looked at his people, gently sighing as spoke. The day before, it was announced that he was meeting with the leader of the Players, and now his citizens were anxious, worried about the outcome of the summit. Billions had already died in the war, and the last thing they wanted was to keep it going.

"People of the Collectivist Empire, You've surely heard of my meeting with Lord Felix of Kjellberg. Well today, I am here to inform you of the result of our summit. I have met with the leader of the players and he has agreed with me about the war. No more shall we be slaughtered and no more shall we have to send our loved ones off to fight. No more shall millions die every year. No more shall we have to hide behind our borders and fear for our lives. The day we have waited eons for has officially arrived." They starred anxiously as Herobrine continued.

"Today, peace rings out across the known world as we come to an understanding with our former enemies. Today is a day of brotherhood, of peace and happiness." He raised his right fist "One thousand six hundred and seventeen years ago, a war broke out between worlds. A war so brutal and costly that not even our greatest minds can calculate the toll and needless bloodshed. The cause of the war itself has been lost to time, thus proving how obsolete it is. A millennium has passed, and now, my gift to you has finally been delivered after three years on the throne. 

After hundreds of years and billions of lives, we have made it to a turning point in our history. Today, a peace treaty was drafted between our two kingdoms. Lord Kjellberg agreed upon its clauses and it was signed without hesitation. That peace treaty agreed to end the hostilities between our peoples, to end the bloodshed and slaughter, to end the horrible and arduous battles." He took a deep breath before slamming his fist into the lectern in front of him and declaring as loudly as possible. "Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, distinguished guests of all shapes and sizes.





Everyone in the crowd erupted in cheers. Hundreds, if not thousands of people wept tears of joy as the people of the Collectivist Empire applauded. Charlotte, Bruja, and Eri walked to the King before wrapping him in a hug. Charlotte cried as she nuzzled into Herobrine's shoulder. "Thank you. Thank you. It's finally over." She weeped as Bruja smothered him with kisses. "I want kisses too." Eri said as she attempted to climb his leg. Charlotte picked her up before handing her to Herobrine. He pecked Eri's forehead. "Eri, the world is going to be a lot better now that the war is over." "You promise?" He smiled before hugging her closer. "I promise. Now let's go celebrate."


"TOSHINORI YAGI! How could you keep this information from me." David shouted as he held himself back from tearing All Might a new one. "I didn't think it mattered at the ti-" Toshinori coughed up blood as David socked him in the stomach?

"Didn't matter? My nephew got fucking molested and you didn't bother to tell me?" "What would be the point, he was already dead when we found out." "Courtesy, you moron." "Well it doesn't matter now that he's returne-" Aizawa wrapped his scarf around Toshinori's mouth before glaring at the Number One Hero. "Wait, what?" David asked. Toshinori yanked the scarf off of his mouth "Izuku came back." David took a step back before staring at the hero, confused. "What do you mean, came back?" Nezu quickly grabbed a bread roll before hurling it at Toshinori's mouth. "It's true. Izuku got isekaied into another dimension where he became the king of a bunch of freaks, but he is alive." Shoka said as Rei glared at her. "That is the single most retarded thing thing I have ever heard. And I once was offered a patent for diet water." "No it's true. We have DNA tests and everything." Izumi said as she pulled up the results on her phone.

"Is that what it was about?" Melissa asked, glaring at is Izumi "Excuse me?" "You were asking about the portal. This inter-dimensional crap, is that why you were interested in the portal?" "Whaaaaaat? No way." Izumi said, rapidly looking around to avoid Melissa's gaze. "I know you're lying, you have literally never given a crap about my inventions, even when they would have benefitted you." "That's not true, what about the time I, uh-" "You can't even think of a good comeback to that. It's obvious that Izuku was the smart one." "You take that back. That quirkless nobody couldn't even figure you need a quirk to be a hero." The room went quiet as Melissa pushed her glasses up. Inko teared up as she thought about her daughter's words.

Time seemed to resume as Melissa punched Izumi in the face

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Time seemed to resume as Melissa punched Izumi in the face. The blonde slammed into the green haired girl as Melissa beat the shit out of Izumi.

From behind the door, Katsuki listened and clenched his fist. 'That damn nerd couldn't stay dead, could he?' He said as he sent a message to the Chairwoman.

Guess who got a new computer. Anyway, the next chapter will be another info chapter because I forgot to put in flags and maps. Anyway, look out for my the next book: The Big Book Of Serrated Samurai's Crack Ship One Shots. I'll probably be updating more frequently after this, so Yay. Remember to vote and comment.

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