The Meeting

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Shigaraki stared in shock as at least a hundred rotting men with bayonets drawn charged. He dodged the tip of one end only for a rifle bullet to nail him in the leg. He swallowed a scream as he fell to one knee. A zombie soldier slammed the butt of his rifle into the back of his skull before recieving another bullet to the kneecap. His underlings fell one by one as zombies ran forward. One villain attempted to hold them off by summoning a shield only for the bullets to punch right through. Several more villains fell as the zombies engaged. One villain managed to knock away a bayonet only for the corpse to slam his shovel into the man's skull. Bub fired his sawed off into the retreating crowd of villains, crippling a few. "Bub, watch the villains. Make sure none escape." "Right." the zombie grunted. "You can't win. CHEATER!" Shigaraki cried as a few of the straggling zombies surrounded him. "Kurogiri, help!" the man child cried as the zombies started kicking him. "I'm trying." Kurogiri said as Squirt and Jeff throttled the mist man. Kurogiri managed to summon create a portal and pulled himself from the slime. He pulled his young master from the zombie horde. As Tomura retreated into the portal, he watched the white eyed man wave at him. With his fathers hand. "Bye bye Tenko."

"Never fear students. FOR I AM HERE!" The symbol of peace shouted as he busted through the gates of the USJ. He barely kept his buff form up as he saw the carnage that had taken place. Dozens of dead villains were being systematically placed in formation. The students were all in circle around Aizawa and Thirteen except for Bakugo and Izumi who ran up to him. "Dad, that guy and his minions killed a bunch of villains. Now they're hurting the ones that are still alive." Izumi said as the other heroes funneled into the building. Snipe drew his pistol and fired.

Herobrine caught the bullet midair seven inches from his face and all of his surrounding soldiers aimed their rifles, shotguns, and machine guns at the offending hero. Snipe immediately dropped his pistol and raised his hands in surrender. "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?" Nezu shouted. Herobrine waltzed forward, his troops following closely behind. "My name, is Herobrine, the king of the Overworld." "Now wha-" "PREPARE TO DIE VILLAIN!" A certain Pomeranian shouted as he charged. A large, high powered explosion hit Herobrine dead on, yet he remained unphased. "Whose dog is this?" "YOUNG BAKUGO STOP!" All Might shouted as he grabbed the blonde boy. Herobrine grabbed Bakugo by the head before throwing him away. "Now, which one of you is the leader?" Herobrine asked. "That would be me." Nezu said, jumping down from Vlad King's shoulder. "Do you mind if we meet in your office, I don't want to be attacked by that dog again." "Alright." Nezu responded. "Nezu, sir. Are you sure this man is trustworthy?" "I'm sure he's trustworthy. Besides, the last thing we want is to piss off the guy with all arms pointed right at us." Nezu said as he glanced at the gun toting zombies. 

All Might peeled Bakugo off the ground as Izumi and the Todoroki twins watched. "That guy was crazy." Izumi said as she watched the white eyed man chat with Nezu. "I don't trust that guy, daddy." "I don't trust him either, but Nezu seems to want to talk to him. If he is a king like he says, Katsuki may be in serious legal trouble." Bakugo turned over, seemingly at the mention of his name. Shoka turned and looked at the white eyed man, getting a closer look at his features. Tall, tan, with blank eyes and brown hair, seemed to be the only separation between him and Izuku. Most of those things could be easily changed, and Mr Yagi was over two meters tall. Izuku was dead, and that gave the girl one conclusion"Shoto, I think that guy might be Izuku, but he got isekai'd." "Shoka, shut up about your crazy theories. Last weak you tried to convince me that birds were invented by the American government to spy on people. I'm not getting into this, especially after what happened with Hawks."


"Alright Mr Herobrine. Tell me, am I a dog, a mouse, or a bear. All you need to know is that I'm-" "The principal. I can assure you I have no intention of joining your school or causing any problems. However, I need to make contact with your government." "I'm sure that won't be a problem. Although I have a few questions. Why appear in the USJ of all places?" "Because we have been watching your world for quite some time and we figured that saving your next generation of heroes would get us off to a good start. Though calling some of them heroes is a bit of a stretch." "I know exactly who you're talking about." Nezu said as he watched the footage from the USJ. "That Pomeranian child killed several villains before my forces had a chance to arrive. If I can recall correctly, those aren't the first people he's killed, only this time it's direct." Nezu nodded as he remembered his nephew. A knock at the door interrupted the conversation. "Come in." Nezu said as Detective Tsukauchi and Sir Nighteye walked in. "Alright, is this the man from the USJ?" "Yes. Detective, Sir Nighteye, this is Herobrine, so called king of the Overworld." The detective nodded as he took a seat next to Nezu. "Now is it true that you are a king in your world?" "Yes." The detective nodded as they continued "Let me be the first to apologize for Katsuki Bakugo's attack." "It's fine. Just don't let it happen again, otherwise we will start a war with you. A war you will not survive." "How powerful would you say your country is?" "Economically, our gross domestic profit is roughly twenty-seven quadrillion three hundred eighty-three trillion two hundred forty billion nine hundred three million three hundred seventy thousand three hundred fifty-two Yen or one hundred ninety-nine trillion nine hundred fifty-seven billion nine hundred fifty-six million four hundred ninety-one thousand seventy-two dollars and eighty-one cents. Our army has roughly sixty million five hundred thousand two hundred and fifty operatives, spanning the kingdoms and settlements of the empire." Nezu turned in shock at the notion of an army that large coming to Earth. Tsukauchi simply nodded his head, causing Nezu to shudder. "I have a question." Everyone turned and looked at Sir Nighteye. 

"Is Herobrine your real name?"

I don't own the song. Likes and comments are very much appreciated.

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