Boss Fight III

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Ojiro, Iida, and Shinso were slowly being overwhelmed. For every villain they took down, another ten took their place. "Iida, you should have gone for help." Ojiro said as he wacked a villain away with his tail "Izumi told me to stay put if anything happened." "Izumi's an idiot." Shinso said as he tightened his capture scarf around a villain's legs. Iida sighed before recipro bursting a villain's testicles. "WATCH OUT!" Shinso said as a bright blue villain slammed his fist into the back of Iida's head before swinging at Ojiro. Ojiro managed to catch his fist before butterfly kicking the man. A villain resembling a dog tackled Ojiro before picking up a rock and attempting to mash the boy. An abrupt gunshot rang out as the villain fell dead. Suddenly, a pig like figure emerged from the fire armed with a short barreled rifle. "Stay back." Shinso said as he rushed to Ojiro's aid. More pig-men emerged from the surrounding fires before opening fire on the opposing villains. The identifiable leader, a broad chested fellow in a black tunic holding a machine gun and a gold headed axe led the charge as hundreds of bullets pierced the air, splattering the blood of villains all over the walls. Iida huddled over his two comrades as they back out of the battlefield. The lead pig man let out a mighty roar as his forces charged forth.


Koda and Tokoyami each stared in horror at the approaching villains. The wind picked up and dust raised from the ground as a villain dressed as a knight approached them. He swung down at the two only for Koda to push Tokoyami away before ducking under the blade. "Animals, I summon thee." Koda said as he dodged another swing. Dark Shadow grabbed the knight by the arms. "Koda, get him." Tokoyami shouted as the bald boy kicked the villain in the crotch. "Is that all you got?" The villain said as Koda winced from his foot slamming into the solid metal covering the knight's balls. A shrill screech filled the air as a red eyed, white rabbit launched itself into the villains throat. The man screamed as the bunny bored into his throat before it bounced into the chest of another villain, shattering her rib cage and leaving her coughing up blood. The killer rabbit jumped onto the face of a third villain, biting his nose and clawing at his throat. "Tomiji, I'll save you." A villain with a cannon for an arm said before firing at his compatriot. The rabbit jumped over the shell and tackled the cannon villain as the cannonball nailed Tomiji in the neck, killing him instantly. More villains approached only for the rabbit to pick them off one by one. "Someone kill it." "It's too fast." Tokoyami and Koda watched as what was once dozens of villains so became the victims of a beastly white rabbit. Koda then threw up and Tokoyami patted him on the back.


Kirishima watched as Bakugo grabbed a villain by the head before setting off an explosion, mutilating the man's skull. "Doesn't that seem a little harsh, Bakubro?" The hard boy said as the terrorist child stomped on another villain's skull. "STAY OUT OF THIS SHITTY HAIR! THESE EXTRAS ARE MINE!" Bakugo said as he snapped a villains arm before kicking him in the knee. Kirishima winced as the Bakugo grabbed a fistful of broken glass and rusty nails before Howitzer Impacting them into an approaching crowd of villains. His attack set off an avalnche of rubble as dozens of tons of broken building toppled over them. One villain screamed as glass dust nailed him in the eyes, permanently blinding him. Katsuki picked up a rock before going to a villain with a nail lodged in his eye. "Please. Stop. I surrender." He weeped as the fallen rock crushed his stomach. "COWARD!" Bakugo shouted before slamming the rock down on the nail, sending it through the man's brain. Kirishima shrugged as he watched the psychopath bash the man's head in. A few villains were watching them with contempt, disgust and fear forming in their minds. 'That kid's worse than us.' One thought as he held onto consciousness.


"There she is." Inko said as Hanako looked at her confused. Peekaboo was a confusing concept for her to grasp. "Gobba." She said as she shook her tiny fist. Inko was visiting the Bakugos and her granddaughter in order to spend some time with them.

The three month old looked at her grandmother confused as she looked toward the pictures hanging on the wall

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The three month old looked at her grandmother confused as she looked toward the pictures hanging on the wall. "I don't think being this forlorn is normal for a baby this young." Inko said as she handed the baby an All Might plushy. The toy kept his signature smile and laughed before saying his catchphrase loudly. Too loudly. Hanako immediately burst into tears as the number four hero's heart sank. His own grandchild was terrified of him. Inko sighed as she walked towards Masaru and Mitsuki who were patiently waiting on the couch. "She hates us." Inko sobbed as Mitsuki rubbed her back. "I wouldn't put it past her." Mitsuki said before bringing her up to her room for her nap. Halfway, Mitsuki noticed a picture on the wall. The Yagis had commissioned a memorial painting for Izuku but  Masaru had been quite adamant on not letting them hang it in their home. "It would dishonor him greatly by hanging his memory in the home where his suffering took place." He said. She sighed as she showed the picture to Hanako, the infant reaching out to the painting. "We miss you Izuku. Hanako misses you." Unknown to her, as she walked away the paintings eyes flashed white as Hanako's own eyes did the same.

I own none of these images. I had a new idea for a story about Union Academy. Have any of you watched the movie 'The Mask'?

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