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"I was found by a testificate-" "What's a testificate?" Tsukauchi asked as Herobrine frowned. "A testificate is a hominid closely related to a human, so closely in fact hybridization is a common occurrence. They typically have large bulbous noses, beige or gray skin, more often than not uni brows, and the males are typically bald." Herobrine responded as Nezu jotted down notes. "He brought me back to the lair of the previous king where his daughter watched over me for a week." "Alright, but how did you become king?" Sir Nighteye asked. "Long ago, a prophecy was given to the leader of the largest coven in the Overworld. That a white eyed man would appear and help retake the world from the Players." "And who are these Players?" Nezu asked, tapping the eraser of his pencil on his cheek. "The Players were a large, diverse group of humans whose only shared goal was world domination and the eradication of the people in my kingdom." Herobrine said "They did not comprise of all humans, just ones who sought to do to the Overworld what humans did to this world." Herobrine finished as Nezu, Nighteye, and Tsukauchi winced. "Some saw no greater pleasure than the burning of villages, slaughtering testificate men, women, and children for the sole purpose of watching them die." Nezu nodded, understanding the evil that humans could commit on a whim. "You both remember my tactical and strategic skills, yes?" Nezu and Mirai both nodded. "I led the factions on a defensive raid against the Player's main base after cutting off most of their supply chains. Almost one hundred thousand Players and villagers were captured and about a third of which were tried for information and arrested or executed. The others were either brought into our society or escaped and attempted to rebuild. There's a bit more in depth explanations in my journal, which my constituent Bub currently has." Nezu nodded before speaking into the microphone on his desk. "Mr Bub." "What?" the zombie retorted from Class 1A's room. "Your presence is requested at once in the principal's office." Nezu said as he turned the microphone off. "So, has any thing of significance happened since I've been gone?" Nezu and Nighteye both sighed as Tsukauchi grimaced. "Izuku, there's no easy way for us to tell you this." "Tell me what?" Herobrine said, leaning forward. "You're a-"


Herobrine's minions stared at the group of people who had just entered the grounds of UA. "What do you think you're doing?" a woman with rabbit ears and white hair asked as she ran towards them. She jumped and attempted to kick Reaper. He dropped his gun and held his hands up in surrender as Charlotte attempted to mediate with the others approaching. "We're not villains. We're waiting for our leader. He's meeting with Mr Nezu right now." A large burly man with a mustache made of fire held the people next to him back. "They're telling the truth, Shoka texted me about them a few minutes ago and All might ." He said as the other heroes stopped. A man in chrome knight armor approached and bowed at a perfect forty five degrees. "Thank you for saving my brother. I apologize for assuming you were villains." He said, standing up. The flaming man walked forward before introducing himself. "My name is Enji Todoroki. You may call me Endeavor though." A younger man with white hair in a suit that matched the flaming mustache man's walked forward as well as a girl with green flames for hair. "Thank you for saving my siblings." The green haired woman elbowed him. "And the other children. Them too." He smiled sheepishly as the other family members looked at him. "This is Touya, my son and his girlfriend Moe." he said, gesturing to the red head and the green haired girl. "I'm Charlotte and this is-" She attempted to introduce the rest of Herobrine's minions when a man in a black bodysuit and wooden mask interrupted. "You're under arrest for murder, conspiring to commit murder, attempted murder, organizing without a permit, trespassing, unlawful carry of a firearm, vigilantism, among other things."

Kamui Woods, Mt Lady, Death Arms, Miruko, and Uwabami mixed into the crowd of concerned parents as they approached the group they were sent to arrest. Kamui made his way to the front before confronting the blonde girl. "Alright, come quietly. Don't fight." Uwabami said as she tried to cuff Charlotte. Charlotte resisted and Uwabami took that as an excuse to tackle the woman while pulling a snake from her hair. "Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt." Death Arms said as he grabbed Blaster in a choke hold. "We're not villains. I keep telling you-AUGH!" Charlotte cried as the Hero Commission's goons attempted to arrest Herobrine's group. "What the hell are you doing?" Endeavor shouted as he attempted to break up the group. "Stop, they helped us." A tall bespectacled boy said as he and his classmates ran down the stairs to help their rescuers or greet their family members. The air suddenly froze as everyone in the group felt themselves stop dead in their tracks, save a few. "What's going on here?"


Herobrine sat tentatively as he thought about what he just learned. He didn't think to check into Katsumi or the rest of his tormentors. He couldn't stand to look at them after what they did. "I do- I don- I don't k-k-know wh-a-hat ah I am..." Herobrine regressed, Izuku's trauma coming out as he barely held back tears. Nezu offered him a box of tissues as Nighteye pulled up pictures of Hanako on Herobook. Herobrine put his hand over his as his heart raced. "Detective, get him a glass of water, he's having a panic attack." Nezu said as Tsukauchi rushed out of the room to fulfill the order. Herobrine took the phone out of Nighteye's hand before looking closely at the pictures. One picture in particular made him very angry.

"Uncle Kachaan? Uncle Kachaan!" Herobrine chuckled darkly at the name of the post as he put the phone down on the desk, gritting his teeth

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"Uncle Kachaan? Uncle Kachaan!" Herobrine chuckled darkly at the name of the post as he put the phone down on the desk, gritting his teeth. Tsukauchi walked in, Bub trailing behind the detective. He handed Herobrine a bottle of water before taking his seat. Bub stood behind his king, massaging his shoulders. "It's alright, they can't hurt you anymore." He told Herobrine, the king nodding as he calmed down. "Izuku, things will be fine. Katsuki will likely be arrested after this. We sent the footage of his massacre at the USJ to the Commission." Nighteye said. Suddenly, Nezu's phone rang. "Hello?" "Sir, there's a bit of a problem at the gates." "Again?" Nezu said as he hopped out of his seat "It seems that some heroes are trying to arrest Herobrine's associates. Also, some of the parents are here." Present Mic  said as Nezu pulled on Herobrine's leg. "This involves you too." He said as Herobrine and Bub followed the chimera out of the room.

At the gates, Herobrine found the "Heroes" who botched the slime villain situation as well as a few others holding them back. The students of class 1A had just arrived, most were meeting with their parents after their ordeal with the LOV. Herobrine watched as a woman with snakes in her hair tackled his concubine before attempting to arrest her. Using a command, he sent a wave of Bad Omen CCLV over the area. "What's going on here?"


The President of the Commission looked at the video on her computer. SHe studied the boy in the picture before coming to a conclusion. "Omura." She spoke into the speaker on her desk. "Yes ma'am?" "Send an email to Principal Nezu about one Katsuki Bakugou." She said as her fellow chairmen watched the video. "He'll make a great replacement for Lady Nagant." She said, taking in the violent streak on Bakugo's record. "He probably won't disobey orders. Probably take them in stride if it means rising up the ranks fast." One of the chairmen said as they smiled. "Katsuki Bakugo, how far will you go?"

I don't own the image above. Also, do you guys want me to add any more video games or video game characters to this story. And do you prefer short chapters often or long chapters occasionally. Votes and comments are appreciated. Until next time.

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now