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Izuku's Funeral

Sir Nighteye stood in the line of people saying their final goodbyes to Izuku as the congregation prepared for the last time they would see the boy. He sighed as the line finally reached him. He knelt down to get a better look at his nephew. A lone tear fell from his eye as he crouched. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." He said as he grabbed Izuku's hand and held it in his as he looked at his portrait hanging over his casket. Sir's eyes met with the pair of emeralds at the center of the painting. Suddenly, the eyes flashed white, and his quirk activated. A visage of fire filled his vision. He saw all of Musutafu, engulfed in a sea of flames, as dozens of soldiers took to the streets. Walking corpses, bipedal pigs, vaguely phallic looking quadrupeds, and large nosed aliens monitoring the streets of Japan as a man with white eyes in a blue shirt watched over from Might Tower. Dozens of people, heroes, villains, and civilians alike being used as cannon fodder by the living corpses, regardless of if they were alive or not. "We came for peace, you gave us war." The corpse of All for One hanging between two giant black pillars as a large black serpent engulfed it. "Your discriminatory ways will be your undoing." The corpses of the Hero Commission hanging from posts as thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of these soldiers marched forward onto the capital. "You forget who created the world as you know it. You forgot where you came from as a people. You did not build the Earth you see today. Before quirks, before heroes and villains, the world was built by ingenuity and willpower, not gifted fools." The vision zoomed out as the entirety of Japan was shown, engulfed in white cracks as the white eyed man's influence spread. It didn't stop there as it soon reached Korea, China, and Russia. "You have become complacent and corrupt, and for that you must be punished." Soon, the entire world was overcome with white cracks, and the Earth itself was engulfed in the hand of the white eyed man.

"Uncle, I'm sorry."


Nighteye stared intently at Herobrine, attempting to elicit an answer from the King. "Yes" He said as Tsukauchi nodded. Nighteye cocked his eyebrow "Are you sure?" Herobrine sighed. "Nothing gets past you, does it Uncle?" Tears welled up in Sir's eyes as he hugged his long lost nephew. "I'm really sorry I wasn't there for you, I know I should have been, but I was distracted." "It's okay, it's okay. I am..." Herobrine paused, making sure not to quote his former father. "I'm back." he said as Nezu joined the group hug. "Just one question." Tsukauchi stated. "Yeah, what?" "How did you overcome my quirk?" Herobrine sighed. "Izuku Yagi did die that day, however, I was what became of him. I have become who I wanted to be as Herobrine. A hero, one without a quirk. I am who I was meant to be, if not here than the Overworld. I'm sorry, but deep down, Herobrine is the real me, Izuku was the facade. I left him behind the moment I stepped off that ledge." Tsukauchi nodded as he sat back down. "So, Izuku, or should I call you Herobrine now? "Either's fine." "What have you been up to since you've been gone?" "Grab a seat, it's a long story."


Aizawa sighed as All Might and the Hurricane of Terror doted over their daughter and her friends, leaving the other students out of their circle. Mic took a seat next to him as the tired teacher took a sip from his favorite cat mug. "Koda and Tokoyami need therapy after watching that rabbit kill those goons. Yaoyorozu, Kyoka, and Kaminari need it too." Mic said as he pulled a flask out of his coat and handed it to his friend. Aizawa groaned as he poured the liquid in the flask into his mug. Suddenly, the door of room 1A shot open as the lead zombie waltzed in. The students immediately tensed up as he shambled over to Aizawa and Mic. The scent of decay filled the air around Eraserhead's desk as he approached. "Are you Eraserhead?" He asked as he placed his hand on the teacher's desk, his yellow fingernails scraping the paint. "Yes, now what do you want?" Aizawa said as he reached his hand under his desk for the emergency button. "You dropped these." The zombie said as he placed Eraserhead's yellow goggles onto the man's desk. "Hold it." All Might said as the zombie paused. "What?" "Who, or what are you people? Where did you come from?" Izumi asked as All Might held her back. The zombie adjusted his sunglasses before frowning. "Fuck off lady, I'm just here to return something." The zombie moaned as Inko held Bakugo in place. The loud speaker suddenly turned on as Nezu's voice filled the room. "Mr Bub," the zombie turned and looked at the speaker. "What?" "Your presence is requested at once in the principal's office." "Ooh, you're in trouble." Kaminari said as the zombie left the room. "Alright students, since that villain attack interrupted our schedule so drastically, we'll take the rest of the week off to prepare for the sports festival." Inko said as the students cheered before grabbing their things and funneling out of the room. All Might held Bakugo back as he whispered into his ear. "You and I are going to have a long talk young man." The #1 hero said as the angry boy growled. 

Charlotte, Reaper, Jeff, Blaster, Goliath, and Squirt waited for their king on the steps of the building. Reaper polished the scope on his auto rifle before adjusting his Brodie helmet to keep the sun off him, Jeff had already fallen asleep and his nine foot frame covering a lot of space. Blaster was kicking a ball back and forth as catching it was too dificult as he didn't have hands, Squirt and Goliath were talking about silverfish, and Charlotte was listening to music on her applicator when suddenly someone shouted. 


Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now