A King's Return

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"Uh, Bruja?" Izuku tapped the girl's head with his foot. "You okay?" "I'm sorry my liege. Pardon my ignorance for I had not realized you had returned." Izuku looked around, not knowing what as going on. "Could I get some context, please?" Bruja looked up at the boy. "Do you not, know?" "Know what?" Bruja smiled as she pulled him toward the door. "Wait, let me put some clothes on." Izuku said, stumbling over the floor.

Bruja pulled the now clothed boy through several hallways, before stopping in a kitchen by an older woman. "Mom, it's him. Herobrine's returned." The woman turned and looked at Izuku. She grabbed him by the chin before lifting his face and getting a closer look.

 She grabbed him by the chin before lifting his face and getting a closer look

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The woman gasped. "It is you." She smiled, before picking the boy up and spinning him around. "We need to contact the others." Bruja said as her mother nodded.


"You can't prove that. I didn't do anything!" Katsumi screamed. "No we can't prove it, but still. Because of the message left in Izuku's letters, I have come to the conclusion that Izumi, Shoto, Shoka, Katsuki, and Katsumi are unfit for hero society. So I have no choice but to blacklist them." Nezu said. "Nezu please, we'll do anything." Izumi pleaded, grovelling on her hands and knees. "Actually without evidence, we can't really do that." Hizashi said, disappointing the chimera "The Hero Commision will have our heads if we bar the children of four top ten heroes. Besides, we don't have any proof that Katsumi did rape Izuku." Masaru cleared his throat. "I was planning on dealing with this privately, but it seems I have no choice no." The bespectacled man said as he pulled something out of his pocket. He had his hand wrapped around it, not letting enyone see it. "This morning, I was looking for a packet of markers when I remembered the one Katsumi keeps in her desk." Everyone was puzzled as to where this was going, except for Katsumi who looked on in horror. "And when I opened that desk, do you know what I found?" "Markers?" Nezu said, not liking where this was going. Slowly, he revealed it. Inko immediately fainted, Toshinori gasped, Mitsuki burst into tears, and Bakugou burst into a fit of rage. In his hand Masaru held a positive pregnancy test.


Izuku sat in a chair with a blindfold around his eyes. Various people spoke on either side of him, each in a different tone. "So who is this boy?" He heard a nasally voice ask. "Hilda brought him here. Don't know what for." Another said, albeit in a barely audible voice. "Is he a prisoner?" One asked. Izuku wanted to take off the blindfold, but Hilda told him to wait. "Has the Warden arrived yet?" "I have." A new voice entered. Suddenly, the shattering of a glass bottle silenced the group. "All right, so you all know why I summoned you here?" Several people shouted their answer as a landslide of no's filled the air. "Izuku." Hilda said gently "You can take it off now." Slowly, Izuku pulled the cloth from his eyes. Shocked gasps filled the room as Izuku noticed the horrifying appearances of the occupants of the room. Each was taken aback by the color of his eyes. "Izuku, let me introduce you." Bruja said as she grabbed him by the hand.

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now