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Izuku stared at the sword in his hand. Purple mist seemed to emanate from the very blade. He was in the war room of his new mansion, plotting. It had been several days since he had arrived and been brought up to speed with the player situation. Izuku looked down at the table before looking at the map.

Izuku studied the map as a loan zombie approached him holding a tray full of pastries

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Izuku studied the map as a loan zombie approached him holding a tray full of pastries. "Reakfast is served, sir." The zombie said, his lack of lips mumbling his speech. "Thank you Keshigi." Izuku said to the corpse. Izuku pulled a cinnamon roll off of the plate before biting into it. He pulled a book off of the table before opening it and checking the stats on his colonies. The undead were easily the most common of his underlings making up twenty percent of the one million mobs under his command. Izuku studied the player stronghold. Twenty five kilometers on either side with ten meter granite walls on all sides, it stood menacingly over the forest surrounding it. Izuku had an idea. "Bruja, get the others, I have a plan."

Izuku had always posessed a strategic mindset. When he was younger he played chess with Nezu and Uncle Mirai, and usually won after figuring out their specific strategies.


Izuku stared at the chessboard as Nezu smirked. Suddenly, Izuku picked up a black rook before moving it to G7. "Checkmate." Izuku said as the king was between the rook and the bishop. Nezu smiled before laughing. "You're very good at this. Where did you even learn to play chess?" "Some old guy in the park." "But how did you learn to study an opponent so well?" Izuku subconsciously rubbed his arm where Kacchan burned him. Sir Nighteye noticed but said nothing, suspicious of the Bakugou boy. Suddenly, Toshinori walked in before going to the refrigerator and grabbing a drink. "Toshinori, your son is quite a skilled chess player. You should be very proud." Mirai nodded. Toshinori turned and nodded, not even glancing at Izuku.


Izuku shed a small tear as he remembered his real family, wondering how they felt when he died. Did they miss him? Were they glad he was dead? Before he knew it, Izuku was sobbing into his hands. Bruja suddenly walked in before rushing over to Izuku. "Izuku, it's okay. I'm here now." She shushed him as she held his face to her chest.


Nezu stared at his coworkers and friends with a sad look in his beady eyes. "I know this is not good news, but it needs to be said. Izumi, the Todoroki twins, and the Bakugou twins are unfit for a hero school." The rest of the UA staff agreed, not wanting to have anything to do with those monsters. "However, the Hero Commission-" Most of the people in the room groaned at the mention of them. "The Hero Commission sees a good amount of potential in these children." "They're not going to hero school, and that's final." Enji said, disappointed beyond measure."Even if they are by some miracle allowed to enter any hero school, Katsumi can't because she's pregnant and is no longer allowed within five hundred meters of any school." Mitsuki said. Masaru nodded, not wanting to piss of his wife anymore than she already was. "Toshinori and Inko have been quite persistent in letting Izumu continue her education here even though Izuku made it clear in his notes that all of his bullies weren't meant for hero society. Due to All Might's status as the symbol of peace, and the Hurricane of Terror's status as number four means that Izumi still is very likely to get in, regardless of what any of us have to say about it." Hizashi spoke up "What about the video footage?" Nezu suddenly perked up. "The surveillance, of course!" Nezu perked up. "We'll get the recording of their behaviour from Aldera when we go to nail the bastards for Izuku's neglect. And if that doesn't work." Nezu reached into his pocket before pulling out a set of keys. Nezu hopped out of his seat before walking over to a locked filing cabinet. Everyone in the room flocked around him as he opened the bottom drawer. "This is my drawer of contraband. All of the things I've expelled students for." He said, pointing to various items in the box. "Weapons, drugs, pornography, pranks. Hell I once caught a student smuggling uranium for a giant death ray." Nezu chuckled, thinking about the look on everyones faces. He cleared his throat. "That was the year we stopped doing science fairs."


"Under no circumstances are you getting an abortion." "But Auntie, I-" Inko slapped Katsumi in the face, leaving the child rapist with a nosebleed. "THAT'S MRS YAGI TO YOU, RAPIST!" She screamed as Katsumi teared up. "You are holding the last we have of Izuku. The only way we can make it up to him is by making sure his child has a better childhood than he did. If anything happens to this child I will kill you. You're not going to UA." Katsumi nodded.


Izuku pointed at the player fortress on the map. "How do the players get the resources they use to terrorize us." "The villages." Shelob said. "Now how do the resources get from place to place?" Trade routes." Andross shouted. Izuku nodded before grabbing a red pencil and tracing along all of their trade routes. "Now if we cut off their trade routes, we'll be able to trap them. Since winter just ended, they'll be very short on resources. Now if we cut off the merchants before they have a chance to return, the fortress defenders will have no choice to venture out and find new trade routes. If we leave half of our soldiers hiding out in the wilds between the village and the fort, we'll be able to eliminate the defenders of the fortress, do you know why?" Merlock immediately answered. "Armed escort." "Exactly, that way, we'll be able to take over the fortress with minimal effort." "But what if they try coming to us?" Izuku smiled. "That is why I said half of our army. We leave the other half between us and the players." Izuku said, drawing a bright red line along a row of pillager outposts. "And what of the villages?" Slippy asked. "When we cut off trade routes, we raid the villages and take as many villages hostage. The ones that die, we turn into zombies, the ones that survive, we bring to our kingdoms as economic gains. Now," Izuku looked at the map before grabbing a ruler and measuring the distance between the mansion and fortress. "So how are we gonna get there discretely? It's almost thirty kilometers." Merlock spoke. Izuku put a finger to his chin "What's the ratio for Overworld to Nether distance?" The young king asked Razorback. "One eighth." He responded, starting to get the idea. Izuku grabbed a calculator before crunching the numbers. "One eighth of thirty kilometers is roughly three and six eighth's kilometers, basically dividing our day's march into an average jog." The others applauded Izuku's idea. "But the portals can only allow so many." Slippy said. Izuku shrugged. "Have the troops come out in waves a few days before the attack. Some to scout, some to destroy the trade routes, and some to kill. We can't send them all at once because that might alert the players. That reminds me." Izuku paused "Are there any up coming storms? Like really bad ones?" The Nameless One nodded. "A few weeks from now, a derecho is expected to hit the area around the fortress." "Good, we got to make the destruction look natural. No chopping or sawing. Just burning, exploding, and pushing trees over." The others nodded. Izuku looked closer at the map "Leave trade routes three, seven, and fourteen open. We don't want them getting too suspicious and if we keep some open, we'll be able to have a steady flow of players to kill and rob in each direction." The other leaders applauded Izuku's tactical thinking. Soon, they regain control.

Sorry if I haven't updated lately, my mom is in the hospital. I don't own these pictures.

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