Dungeon Raid

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Adan reloaded his rifle as one of the cultists shot an arrow at him. He fired back and killed the man before aiming at another. "DIE HERETIC!" A cultist shouted from behind him only to be killed immediately. Adan turned and saw Colonel Grisly firing a large, four barreled shotgun at the cultists, brutally killing all in his path. "Hold them off!" One of the cultists shouted as they fired their arrows at the Pillager.

Skissom fired his light machine gun, killing a handful of the devotees. He continued firing until his gun jammed, so the cultists took the opportunity to charge him. Desperately, he picked up his gun before jamming the hot muzzle into the face of one of the cult members. The man screamed as the barrel hit him in the eye. The skeleton swung the gun again, this time managing to ignite one of the devotees robes.

"They're retreating!" One of the soldiers shouted as the depleting number of cultists ran in random directions away from the camp. "Follow them!" Grisly yelled as he watched the cultist who he assumed was the leader steal a horse before disappearing over a dune. Dr Haides aimed his gun at the leader before firing, managing to hit him in the shoulder. The group heard a distant scream as they followed the blood left behind. DeHadd grabbed Axel's shoulder. "We're gonna need reinforcements if we find their base. We don't know how many cultists could be in there."


Shigaraki stared down the hero that had entered the bar. "Look, I threw my life away becoming a hero, and I lost everything." They said as they slammed their fist on the bar. "You're one of the top ten heroes. Whatever the Hero Commission did to you was probably swept under the rug or changed to appear as a good thing." "I'm looking to get revenge, and I figure since our goals are pretty much the same, I could get my start here." Shigaraki laughed hoarsely. "Honesty you seemed like nothing more than the Commission's lapdog, but now you come to us for help taking them down. Seems a little weird, doesn't it, HAWKS?"

Hawks smiled. "Well, who better to take down the Commission than the person they spent a hundred million yen training." Shigaraki smiled before speaking again. "I suppose that is a fair trade, but how can we be sure you're not a double agent." Hawks smirked before holding up a flash drive. Shigaraki approached only for Hawks to jump away. "Ah ah ah, you have to help me first." "Fine, but you must prove your loyalty to the League." "Believe me, it can't be worse than anything the Hero Commission has done."


The morning after, Axel had collected the entirety of his current company plus the crew of the airship and DeHadd and his guards had requested assistance from a handful of other robbery victims and nearby townsfolk. All together there were around one hundred and eighty seven people there to fight. 

Skissom, Lupos, and a small team on orders from Grisly had followed the blood and scent trail. After a half hour of walking, they found themselves on a cliff, staring down at a large blue building carved into the opposite cliffside. Looking at it through his telescope, Skissom noticed a pair of cultists moving a large chest of a metal he couldn't identify into the building.  "Probably trapped." He said to nobody in particular. "What if it isn't?" Someone asked. "Den we still act like dere trapped."

From various positions, the attackers gathered around the compound. "So how do we get down?" Axel sat up. "We don't, not yet at least. We make them come up here." He said as he pulled a poison grenade from his belt. "Amalia, get the gas ready. Cestus, Falcher, you two set up the explosives." He said as the witch and vindicators got to work. "What are we doing exactly?" One of the townsfolk asked. "We're gonna trap the cultists, then poison them." "Isn't that a war crime?" "War cri- Oh nevermind."

The rest of the angry mob took their positions. People armed with everything from bows to rocket launchers aimed at the moving devotees. Axel held up his horn before turning to the two vindicators. They had set up explosives about thirty meters away on either side of the cliff. They both held up red flags. "On my mark." Axel said.




Axel blew his horn, sounding out the iconic illager raid . Cestus and Falcher both pressed down their detonators. The explosions rocked the area as hundreds of tons of sand and earth plummeted to the canyon floor, blocking off either exit. A handful of cultists rushed out, only to be picked off by the ranged fighters. As more cultists tried to escape or fight, several skeleton jockeys made their way down the side of the canyon, dragging a line of web behind them. Several zombies slid down the web as they entered combat.

Skissom was the first to land, sending Lupos back up to escape the poison attack. More undead followed as cultists fell in their path left and right. "Amalia, Lavina, now." The Colonel said as the witches put on their gas masks before climbing down the webs. The two raced to the bottom where zombies and skeletons were quickly overtaking the cultists. Amalia quickly opened fire with her SMG, killing more cultists. Lavina made her way over to the entrance, ducking behind the pillars. She pulled out a pair of gas grenades before throwing them into the entrance.

Someone screamed as a loud bang erupted from the inside of the dungeon as a cloud of dark green gas emerged from the entrance. Minutes pasted without a single cultist exiting, each skeleton and a few zombies having their guns raised just in case. One cultist managed to emerge, holding part of their cloak to their face as they held one hand in the air in surrender. They died before they even made it halfway through the pillars.

Suddenly, a loud growl was heard, as a large shape appeared behind the mist. "What's going on down there?" Axel called into his applicator. "Dunno sir." Skissom said. Faster than Skisso could react, a skull twice as tall as him rushed out of the dungeon.

"Oh shit."

If any other heroes would turn to villainy in MHA, which ones would it be and why? In the next chapter, Herobrine goes to I Island, and in the one after that he finally goes to Terraria. Remember to vote and comment, and to check out my recently published story ideas book. Bye.

Rest in Peace David Emge

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