A New World Awaits

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Herobrine took a sip of his drink as he watched Eri happily chase Bub's pet pig, Lenny, while on the back of a ravager. "Papa, look how fast we're going." "That's wonderful Eri, but don't go too fast please." He said as he placed his drink on the nearby table. He, Eri, Charlotte, Bruja, the other leaders, the castle staff, and his underlings were celebrating the end of the war in his garden. Dondrick, the castle chef, had prepared a fine feast for the occasion. Herobrine smiled as he looked around at the peace he created.

As soon as everyone was seated, Herobrine tapped his sword against the diamond chalice in his hand. The conversation died down as everyone stared at the King. "Everyone, I would like to thank you for your support. It has been a long three years since I have taken the throne, and this war has taken a tremendous toll. I'm sorry I couldn't have done more, but the war is over now. Thank you all for your support. I couldn't have done it without you. Here's to all of you." He said as everyone cheered. "And to my next endeavor as King," he said as everyone quieted down. "Which is?" 

He turned and faced East, staring intently. "Over there, on the other side of the Far Lands, is an entire uncharted world. And with it, there is unlimited potential for growth and discovery." He said as he pointed his sword towards the aforementioned land. "My esteemed colleagues, servants, and family. We are going to Terraria."


Axel sighed as he studied the map Arthos had presented to him. "So where is the base of these cultists anyway?" "I'm not sure, we were attacked around here," He pointed to a point on the map "so it must be somewhere around here." "Most people would think that, but I've learned that bandits typically have a general area surrounding their base, and only expand when they run low on resources. Have you taken this route before?" "Not recently. The last time we went this way was about two years ago, but that was before the cult started spreading out." "When did this cult start exactly?" "It's been around for a while but about a year ago it started spreading. That's when the corruption started." "Corruption?" "It's like a purple mold that engulfs everything."

Axel thought about it for a minute before standing up. "Walk with me a minute." He said as he exited the tent. "So what do you want to know?" "What exactly do they worship?" "They worship an ancient monster called Cthulhu. They seek to reunite the parts of it as well as a suitable host for it." "You know a lot about this cult." "They leave pamphlets everywhere. Here's one." Arthos said as he handed it to the Colonel. "And what did you say they wore again?" "Blue robes." Suddenly, Axel drew his pistol before turning around and firing it. "IT'S AN AMBUSH!"


"You bitch!" Melissa shouted as Aizawa and Mic pulled her off of Izumi. "How could you say that after everything you did, Izumi?" Inko tearfully asked as she pulled her daughter away from the fight. "She said that Izuku was a useless quirkless, is that how she sees all quirkless people?Toshinori, how have you been raising this girl?" David asked as he grabbed All Might's collar. "Izumi, you're grounded for another five months. I'm so sorry David, I don't know where she got these ideas." He said as David scowled. "It's because that damn middle school kept enabling this behaviour. Inko, didn't I tell you we should transfer the children when they were eleven?" Rei asked "Izumi said that Izuku wouldn't fit in at other schools." Rei looked dumbfounded. "Since when did you give a damn about Izuku's well being?" 

"I, uh..." Inko paused before tearing up. "Oh God, you're right. I'm a horrible mother." "Don't say that mom, you're a great mother." "To you maybe, but to my boy, my sweet baby boy." Inko started sobbing as she curled up into a fetal position. Out of nowhere, Nezu jumped on top of the table before grabbing an empty wine bottle, shattering it, and holding it up menacingly. "OKAY! That's enough drama for one night. Now why don't we get this thing over with already? Inko, Toshinori, what was so important that you would drag us to this little soiree of violence? And don't lie to me, because I will cut a bitch!"

Inko sniffled before standing up and wiping tears from her eye. "Izumi. I want you to know that nothing has changed between us as your parents." Toshinori spoke up. "It's just, since your brother died, things have not been going well between us." "And since his return, our relationship has only struggled more. So what we're trying to say Izumi, is that your father and I are splitting up for a while."

"WHAAAAAAAT?! You're getting a divorce?" "Not a divorce, per say. We're just taking a break for a while, at least until things smooth over. Do you understand?" Izumi nodded sadly before walking over to Shoto and Shoka. "Guys," she said quietly as they moved into a corner of the room. "We need to bring Izuku back, otherwise my parents marriage is gonna fall apart." "Izumi that is a terr-" "I am one hundred percent on board with this."


Katsuki lurked around silently in the alleyway behind the restaurant. Suddenly, a dark figure appeared beside him. He jumped back before preparing his quirk for attack only to realize it was Lady Nagant. "Hmm. Shouldn't have snuck up on me." He said as he glared at the purple woman. "The Commission wants confirmation of what you've sent to them." Nagant said robotically as she stared coldly at the boy. "Izumi Yagi, All Might's daughter, apparently has genetic test data that shows that Herobrine may be Izuku Yagi." Lady Nagant blinked before asking "Does the Yagi boy have any children that you know of?" 

"Yeah, a daughter from when he forced himself on my sister. She had a mental breakdown and tried to kill her." Nagant nodded. "Her name, the daughter I mean." "Hanako." Nagant thought about it before pulling out her phone and pulling up a video. "Is this her?" Lady Nagant asked as he stared at the people on the screen. Spiky blonde hair and bright green eyes stared back at him. "That's her all right." "And do you recognize these people?" She asked as she zoomed out, revealing the person holding the baby. Feeling betrayed, he nodded angrily. "THAT FUCKING HAG! I'D KNOW THAT BITCH ANYWHERE!" "So you do know them?" He sighed "Those are my parents." "And do you know what this means?" He thought for a moment.

"We have the princess of a powerful empire almost in the palm of our hands."


"DoN't Go bReaKin My hEaRt." Gran Torino sang drunkenly into the microphone of the karaoke bar on the other side of the restaurant, his tie tied around his forehead. "I wOn'T gO BrEaKinG yOUr HEaRt." Recovery Girl, also hammered out of her wits, sang next to him. "Is this supposed to be good?" One member of the audience asked the man next to him."I don't know, but they're having fun and it's still more appropriate than Midnight's rendition of WAP."

Here's to thirty chapters. In this story, Izumi was the Aldera golden child, not Bakugo. He just acts that way because he's a piece of shit. Anyway, I've assembled a list of various video game teams that act as heroes in this world, licensed or otherwise. Tell me anymore that you would like to see. Until next time. Remember to vote and comment.

Overwatch (Licensed revoked, then reinstated)

Devil May Cry (Vigilante)

YoRHA (Licensed)

S.T.A.R.S (Licensed)

Phantom Thieves (Vigilante)

Avalanche (Licensed, retired)

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now