A Treaty To Change The World

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Herobrine silently looked over the letter again as he waited for Lord Felix to arrive. It had been three days since the letter had arrived and Herobrine was rather anxious about the meeting. It had been one thousand six hundred and seventeen years since the war between them had started, and it was all most of the Overworld's people could remember. Only the Nameless One and a few of his eldest minions could remember a time before the war. He sighed as he wondered how the end of the war would affect his people. Suddenly, the doors slammed open and six armed guards armed with crossbows and tridents entered the room. At the center of the armed guards was the man himself. "Now presenting, Lord Felix Arvid Ulf of Kjellberg."

Lord Felix stared at Herobrine as he took his seat across from the younger king. Three guards stood on either side of him as each glared at Herobrine. "Hello. You are Felix, correct?" "That's lord Felix to you." One of the guards said, aiming his trident at Herobrine's throat. Herobrine simply grabbed the center prong before pressing the tip with his thumb, bending it. "Stop, now." Felix said, glaring at the guard. "Yes sir, sorry sir." The guard stood down before heading back to his position. "Forgive me for his insubordination, the guards aren't used to being told what to do." "It's quite alright, I know what its like having to train new recruits." "They're not new, it's just they're not used to being told what to do. Or leaving the castle." Herobrine nodded as Felix took his seat. "Now then, onto the treaty. You have made it known to your people about the crimes your predecessor committed, correct?" "Yes, they were rather disturbed about it, though. Some of the allegations were unfounded. However, his underlings did reveal his plot to establish sects of his followers through out the human kingdoms in order to undermine the authority of the other leaders and force their collaboration."

"Understandable, that is how I would have gone about it, but the fanfictions and child soldiers were too far." Herobrine shuttered, remembering the manuscript his guards found in the cell of a fourteen year POW. "My subordinates found a few of those as well and were equally disturbed. We had all of them incinerated." Felix stated. Herobrine nodded before speaking. "We forced some of our more "Prominent" prisoners to read them." He said as he remembered the Seven Precepts of Death's reaction to some of the more disturbing ones. Felix nodded nervously.


Inko nervously tapped her fingers against the table. She and Toshinori had invited the Todorokis, Bakugos, UA staff, and several family friends to a dinner party at Izumi's favorite restaurant in order to announce something important. She sighed as the waitress refilled her water. "Oh Izuku." She said sadly to herself. "Something the matter?" The waitress asked. "Oh, it's nothing." She said as she took another sip of her water. "Alright." The waitress responded before walking away. Toshinori waved down their friends as they approached. "Inko, Toshinori, why did you call us?" Torino asked, taking a seat at the table. "It is rather sudden." Masaru said as he placed Hanako into her high chair. "Toshinori and I have a a rather important announcement." "You aren't having another kid, are you?" Recovery Girl asked. "What, no!" As Inko started speaking, Shoka stared at Katsuki.

They hadn't spoken in a few days, and he parents had told her not to tell anyone about Herobrine, especially Katsuki, but she knew that in order to get Izuku's forgiveness, Katsuki would have to apologize. "Hey, Bakugou..." only for her mother to glare at her. "What?" he snarled. Rei's glare intensified and her father's eyes narrowed. "How did you do on the history exam?" "The fuck does that have to do with anything?" Katsuki asked. "Nothing, just wondering." Shoka said, shyly tapping her fingers together. Suddenly, a phone rang and Mitsuki stood up to take it. "Excuse me everyone, I have to take this." She said as she stood up before leaving the room. Inko sighed before looking at the menu.


For several hours, Herobrine and Felix spoke, making agreements and discussing terms of ceasefire. "So, it is agreed, we will open trade between our two nations." "Yes, and in order to prove that our side of the deal is solid, I've decided to inform you that the Empire has opened trade with another group, this one being in an alternate dimension." Felix nodded as he took a sip of his drink. "Another of my recent accomplishments includes crossing the Far Lands, so that opens a lot of opportunities for your people as well." Felix choked on his drink before putting it down. "You crossed it!? How?" "You see..."


"Hello, Doctor. Is it about Katsumi, again?" The man on the phone sighed before speaking. "Mrs Bakugo, I'll make this brief. Last night, someone broke into the hospital and released a few of the patients, your daughter being one of them." Mitsuki paled as she realized what that meant. "Oh my God, SHE'S LOOSE!?" The woman screamed as she tightened her grip on her phone.

In the restaurant, Izumi sat quietly on her phone as she waited for her food to arrive. "So David, how is your current project going?" Inko asked as she helped herself to a seventh croissant roll.
"Recently, one of the boys at the lab discovered a way to synthesize a dimensional rift." "Dimensional rift, you say?" Inko responded. "Yes. If we could control the size and trajectory of the rift, we could theoretically teleport, or even travel to different dimensions. This way people can travel a lot faster and more reliably than relying on a quirk or a vehicle. This could allow for heroes to respond to situations almost immediately. And as for other dimensions, who knows what else we could find." Melissa put down her fork before speaking. "I've been helping with the portal. It's been going well but we've recently run into a snag with stabilizing it."
Izumi listened before speaking. "I could introduce you to my friend in the support course, Mei Hatsume. She could probably come up with something." "I think I know that girl, has she applied for any patents in the past two years?" Izumi nodded. "Well I'd love to meet her. Her idea for that utility drone was ingenious." Melissa smiled.

Little did Melissa know, Izumi had one of her signature bad ideas, and this one could tear a hole in the fabric of reality itself.

Sorry for not updating but my home computer is on the fritz and I lost two hundred dollars buying a shitty laptop from Best Buy. But here's an idea for a story: the characters in this story and the various games I've written in react to Herobrine's rise to power. Let me know if you'd want to read that. Until next time.

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