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Herobrine made his way through Sir Nighteye's agency, the latter having scheduled a meeting with the young king. It had been two weeks since his return to Earth and Herobrine had made headlines worldwide. Ambassadors from countries all over the globe were meeting later that day, but right now, he was meeting with his uncle.

Herobrine knocked on the door of Sir Nighteye's office, before checking his applicator. "Blaster and I are in the room, Bub took a train to the Western side of Tokyo to see the Studio Ghibli Museum, Jeff and Reaper are at the Takoba library finding out more about Earth, and Squirt is at the pool." He read from the text Charlotte had sent him before putting the device away. The door slammed open and Herobrine was pulled inside. "Glad you could make it." Mirai said as he shut the door.

Nighteye sighed as he took a seat at his desk. "I know I should have told you this when we met last week, but I did't want to make that about me." "Alright. What is it?" Mirai took a deep breath before opening his desk drawer and pulling out a file. "This should tell you all you need to know." Sir Nighteye said as he handed it to Herobrine. He skimmed through the file for a minute or two before coming to a conclusion. "This Overhaul man is completely insane." He said as he felt rage boil inside of himself. "Now I know this is a bit unorthodox, but I was hoping you could assist us in our crusade against the Shie Hissaki." Herobrine smirked cruelly. "I already have a plan."


"And now, Class 1A's student representative Izumi Yagi!" Present Mic shouted into the microphone.

Izumi sighed as she took the podium at the Sports Festival center stage. Millions of eyes watched her as she nervously took the stage. She pulled her note cards out of her pocket, only to drop them on the ground. "Just a second." She stuttered into the microphone before bending over to pick them up. Murmurs broke out in the audience as Izumi nervously collected the cards. "Come on!" Someone in the audience screamed as she finished picking up her cards. She put her cards together before taking a deep breath.

"Less than a year ago, my twin brother, Izuku Yagi took his own life by jumping off of the Matsutani Accounting firm." Gasps from the audience and her fellow students drowned out the chatter of the ruder members of the audience as many went quiet. "When we were young, we were as close as could be until our quirk analysis where he was diagnosed as quirkless. Like many children our age, he had his heart set on being a hero, and despite of our pleas for him to give up on an impossible dream, he kept going. Bullying and ridicule followed him everywhere and eventually, he couldn't take anymore." She said as the audience oozed sympathy. "So that is why I'm dedicating my victory to my brother. Because I know he would want me to be number one for him, so that is why I am going beyond plus ultra. I'm expecting everyone else to do the same." She said before stepping down from the stage, the audience applauding behind her.

In the front row seats, The Todoroki family and the Bakugo parents scowled. Hanako pouted as she watched her "Aunt" make a fool out of everyone who believed her warped sob story.


Charlotte and Blaster turned to eachother, the Sports Festival happening live on the TV in front of them. "Did she just?" "Yep." Charlotte gritted her teeth and crushed the glass in her hand. "Do you want me to get you the first aid kit?" "That would be nice." She said as lemonade soaked into her cuts.


Herobrine pulled a bottle of red liquid out of his inventory before placing it on Sir Nighteye's desk. "This healing potion should be enough to pull Yasuda Mito out of his coma." The king said as Sir looked at the bottle with a raised eyebrow. "Explain." "You see, if the former Yakuza leader finds out how far his organization has fallen, he is bound to be upset." Mirai nodded, understanding where his nephew was going with this. "It'll stir the pot, upset the status quo. We find out whose loyalty is where, see if we can antagonize a little schism in this group. If Overhaul kills the old man, we have a reason to arrest him and his little cultists. If the old man kills Mr Birdface, the girl is safe and you can do what you want with whatever's left over." Nighteye nodded. "Brilliant." "But..." Nighteye listened intently "If we do lay siege to their base, leave Overhaul to me. I have a few choice words for him." Sir nodded, actively ignoring the cruel gleam in Izuku's blank eyes.


Bub made his way down an alleyway, horribly lost. He had taken a wrong turn somewhere and had lost his way completely. Shambling aimlessly through the nooks and crannies of the city. Then, he smelled it. 'Blood.' he thought as he followed the scent. Pulling out his sawed off, he quietly tracked the smell down the alley.

Tensei groaned as he blocked another hit from the Hero Killer. He had let his sidekicks go ahead as he desperately tried to stop the fiend. "You think letting your little helpers get away is going to save you?" Stain asked as he drew another downward cut onto the other man's forearm. Ingenium grimaced as the jagged blade of the sword hacked the flesh right off of him. Stain smiled as he jumped away, licking the blood off of his sword. Tensei went still as the Hero Killer's quirk took effect. He walked towards the hero, raising his sword above his head as he spoke. "To think, the successors of All Might's legacy, are such frauds." He said as he raised his sword.


To be continued. Leave any questions, comments, and concerns in the comments.

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