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Axel sighed as he wrote down his form on the other side of the Far Lands by the light of the campfire. It had been a day and a half since they had arrived, and still had yet to find anyone after a day of travelling. A fierce hiss was heard as Lupos, the group's engineer, dragged a struggling creature behind him with his web. "What ya got dere?" Skissom asked. Lupos opened the net, revealing an animal unfamiliar to the troops gathered around the fire. 

It had serrated mandibles, bright orange eyes, scales the color of gold and bronze, and tiny legs legs, which were thrashing furiously as the creature snapped its jaw. "What is it?" One of the soldiers asked, pointing his gun at the beast. Axel took a deep breath before shouting "MOVE!" The others obliged before standing back as Axel and Dr Levi Haides, the group's zoologist, studied the animal. Little did they know they were being watched.

Dr Haides measured the creature while the Colonel held it down. "Watch your fingers." Axel told the Doctor as he measured the diameter of the beast's mandibles. "It's an arthropod, that's for sure." Axel nodded as Levi took notes on the animal. A shrill whistle pierced the air as one of the camp guards ran towards the Colonel. "Sir! Sir! A group of horsemen are approaching from the East." " How far away?" "One kilometer or more sir. There's about eight of them." Axel thought for a moment before responding. "Send out a soldier to flag them down. Let them know we are here peacefully but will resort to violence if necessary." 

Private Adan Ripper ran towards the horsemen, his torch lighting his way as he prepared to make history. "HEY! HEEEEEEYYYY!" He shouted as he saw the torches of the horsemen team approach. The neighing of horses and shouts of unknown men filled his ears as the soldier made his way towards them. He saw some wave back in the distance as he flashed his light towards them. "HELLO!" He heard the lead horseman shout as he stumbled through the darkness. He heard the group come to a stop right in front before dismounting.



Katsumi sat cross legged, the doctors on the other side of the bullet proof glass studying her closely. It had been three months since she had been admitted to the ward, her parents having put her there for her behaviour and the threat she posed to herself and her Precious Baby. "We have prior reports given to us by your therapist, however we would like to hear it directly from you." The lead doctor said as she suddenly charged. Before she made contact, electricity surged through her. "The collar around your neck was designed specifically for patients who showed extreme violence and lack of remorse." She smirked cruelly as she remembered just what happened.


Katsumi had gotten up. "Where are you going?" She turned and saw that Izumi had sat up in her bed. Katsumi and Shoka were sleeping over at the Yagis when she had found the opportunity to see Izuku. To touch Izuku. She licked her lips at the idea of once again reminding Izuku of who he belonged to.

Slowly, she slunk into his room, making sure to keep quiet as she tiptoed towards him. His room was cold and drab, the paint long having chipped from the walls and the wallpaper stained red with blood. The scent of decay and rubbing alcohol filled the air as she stared at Izuku. His bed, if you could call it that, was made from cardboard and rags. 

She smirked as she mounted his lap, rubbing herself against him. Izuku murmured in his sleep, causing her to pause. He stopped and she continued, slowly removing his underwear. She peeled them away before grabbing his penis. She gently started rubbing before removing her own pants.

"Ugh, what?" Izuku said as he woke up. "Go back to sleep honey." Katsumi said, grabbing Izuku's wrists and holding him down. "What the? Get off of me!" He shouted as she bounced on him. He managed to get his hand lose before socking her in the face. Katsumi managed to grab an empty mug before slamming it into Izuku's skull. "Silly Zuzu. Don't you know I'm the only one who actually loves you." She said as she continued to slam the glass into the boys head. "The world doesn't care about you. Your family doesn't love you. The only one you have is me." 

That was the last thing Izuku heard before he passed out.


The first doctor raised his hand to cover his mouth, his stomach doing backflips. The second turned off the recorder before raising her sleeve to her eyes. "Zuzu loves me. He loves only me. He'll come back and rescue me from here. My knight in shining armor." She said, her smile showing only insanity. They both turned before the female doctor turned off the microphone. "I wish lobotomies were still legal." The male doctor said as he offered his coworker an antacid.

Katsumi laughed as she prepared for the orderlies to carry her back to her cell. "Zuzu is coming. Zuzu loves me. Zuzu loves only me."


The horsemen stared at the lone soldier before their leader stepped off his horse. He reached his hand out to the soldier. The soldier took it before introducing himself. "Private Adan Ripper, His Majesty's expeditionary forces." The leader nodded "My name is Arthos DeHadd, travelling merchant. These are my guards." The man said, taking off his blue hat and gesturing to the others. 

"If it's not too much trouble, we need your help." The merchant said as Adan nodded. "Our convoy was recently robbed by the Azulian Cult." "The who?" "The Azulian Cult. They worship a rogue necromancer called Cerulius, who's only goal is total omnicide." Arthos said as he walked forward, Adan and his guards following close behind.

Adan paled as he realized what omnicide meant. "We need your help as well, Mr DeHadd. Our group's mission is contact with any people on the other side of our world's borders. If we help you, you'll help us right? We're completely new here" "You're not from here?" "No." "Then let me be the first to welcome you to Terraria."

I've never played Terraria before, please don't judge. Please vote, comment, and follow. We'll get back to Herobrine's meeting with the UN and Bub vs Stain in the next chapter.

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now