A Princess' New Home

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Herobrine carried Eri through the portal, following Charlotte and the rest of his underlings. "You excited to see your new home?" Herobrine asked as Eri curled up in his arm. "Yeah!" She said as he bounced excitedly. "Do you really live in a castle?" "Yes. It's very nice. I think you'll like it." He said as they stepped out of the portal. On the other side, a view like no other awaited the pair.

"WOW!" Eri cheered as she looked at the city in front of her

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"WOW!" Eri cheered as she looked at the city in front of her. "Is this really your home?" "Yes it is." "It's like a fairy tale." she said as she climbed down from her father's arms and ran through the gate. "It's cleaner too." Charlotte said as she took a deep breath. "Honey, hate to tell you this but Musutafu smells like exhaust and sewage." Herobrine sighed before nodding. "I can't argue with that." Herobrine said as Eri skipped around her new home.

"Can we go check out that big building in the middle?" "That's where we were heading anyway." Eri smiled as she grabbed her father's hand before leading him down the street. "Eri, are you sure you know where you're going?" Charlotte asked "Let her lead, it'll be a good chance for her to explore."


Inko sobbed as she curled to the floor, Toshinori comforting her as the others scolded Izumi. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" "I don't know. Please, stop yelling." "Why did you give it to him of all people?" "It was killing me. I thought you would care about me more than who I gave it to." "Izumi, we care about you, it's just... Out of all people? Seriously." She sighed as she looked up at her teachers. "When Grandma told me that One for All was killing me, I realised that I needed to get rid of it. Katsuki asked and I gave in." "Why would you give it to him, though?" "Because, I knew he would take it. Besides, he was the one who told De-Izuku to kill himself." She muttered. Aizawa sighed as Toshinori stood up. "Izumi, you're grounded." 

Mitsuki gently bounced Hanako as Masaru spoke up. "Izumi, did you really tell Katsumi?" Izumi looked up. "No. It was me." Shoka said, announcing herself. Endeavor sighed as Rei shook her head. "Why would you go and do something so idiotic. You know how she was after he..." Enji paused as he remembered having to help hold Katsumi down while the orderlies sedated her. "She had a right to know. She's Hanako's mother." "God damn it Shoka. Katsumi is not in her right mind, no offense." Mitsuki shrugged "And who knows what's going through her mind right now." "She's probably going ballistic right now."


Eri stared in wonder at the front of the building, her eyes aglow with surprise. "Whoooooooaaaaaaaah." She said slowly as she followed her father into the entrance hall. "It's kind of spooky." Eri said as she grabbed onto his pant leg. "That's okay, it just means that any bad guys trying to get in will be scared off." Herobrine said as she nodded. "I'm gonna be brave, braver than any bad guy." Eri said triumphantly as Charlotte smiled. "Our brave little princess."


Herobrine had finished "There's someone I want you to meet." Herobrine said as Eri followed him out the back door and into the garden. "You have a garden? It's so pretty." Eri said as she ran around through the flowers. Herobrine smiled as he took a seat on the ground. "Eri." She stopped and looked at the king, before speaking. "Yeah, Papa?" "Try not to freak out when you meet Dreadwing, okay?" "Um, okay." She said before taking a seat in front of Herobrine. A loud flapping was heard as a dark shape circled in the sky around the two. Suddenly, the shape dove down and landed on the ground with a resounding thud, startling Eri.

 Suddenly, the shape dove down and landed on the ground with a resounding thud, startling Eri

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"Woah." She said quietly as the dragon curled on the ground. "Can I pet it?" "It's a her, but yes." Herobrine said as he stood up and followed Eri over to the dragon. "Hi, I'm Eri." The girl said as the dragon lowered her snout. Eri stuck her hand out before gently placing it on the dragon's nose. Dreadwing quickly sniffed the girl before nuzzling her gently. "It tickles." Eri giggled as the young girl got associated with her father's pet. Herobrine smiled as he watched, taking a video on his phone.


Bakugo followed the Hero Commission President as she spoke to him about his acquisition of One for All. "Now, the quirk itself is quite potent, but it builds up power over time. And from what I can tell, the previous holder's spirits are inhabiting it, meaning that All Might will join when he finally croaks." The explosive brat stated. The President nodded as she spoke. "Do you know what caused All Might's injury?" "No fucking clue." "About five years ago, he fought the villain of villains, the greatest threat to Japan since the second world war. They call him All for One, and his quirk will be very useful to our cause." She said as she stopped in front of a window. The scientists behind the window worked mechanically as they studied a lump of flesh in a tank of liquid. Bakugo sneered. "Is that his face?" "Yes, when All Might fought All for One, he grabbed him around the neck before grabbing his chin and peeling his face off. We managed to find it, and are using his DNA to create tools that will help us in our crusade to get back what rightfully belongs to us." She said as Bakugo nodded. "We plan on using his quirk in order to dissect One for All, in order to remove the previous users and make it safer for our future project of One for All super soldiers." Bakugo raised an eyebrow. "Don't worry, you'll still be our number one." He nodded. Foot steps approached as the President smirked. "Mr Bakugo, you do know what mental conditioning is, correct?" "Yes." "Well, we took the time to take a concept practiced previously and improve upon it. The idea was sound, but we took it to a whole other level. That is why, it will be my utmost pleasure to introduce you to the new and improved

Lady Nagant."

Say goodbye to my search history

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Say goodbye to my search history. I own none of the images. I'm going to post the rooms of Herobrine's manor in the next chapter so you have a bit of a reference when I right more wholesome Eri shenanigans. Remember to comment and vote. Sorry for the hiatus.

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