Boss Fight Part II

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Herobrine stared at the bird thing looking back at him. "Nomu, attack." Shigaraki cried as the beaked monster charged forward. Herobrine pulled his sword before disappearing in a cloud of dust. He then placed his sword back into his inventory before pulling out his crossbow. The nomu split in half before the severed torso and legs burst into flames. Herobrine then fired upon the nomu, the Poison CCLV hitting the nomu right in the brain. "You idiot. Nomu has regeneration and shock absorption. Nomu, attack." The blue haired man child shouted. The nomu didn't move. "Nomu?" Herobrine charged Shigaraki before slamming the pommel into his head. The lead villain KO'd immediately before falling to the ground, a large red bruise developing. Dozens of villains then flocked the man, but he was prepared.

A villain swung at Herobrine, who caught the fist before crushing it, then catching the villain's other fist and doing  the same. He then kicked the man in the chest with enough force to crush the man's rib cage before swinging him into another villain. A man with a chameleon like head shot his tongue out, only for the king to catch it and rip in two. A villain with long gray hair then attempted to tackle him from behind only for the king to flip her over and crush her windpipe under his foot.

Charlotte watched as Izuku crushed the woman's throat before jamming his elbow into the sternum of a white headed villain with gills. He then used the villain as a shield to deflect a female villain with a blade quirk. He pulled his sword before parrying. She swung her blade only for Herobrine to slash right through it. She screamed as the blades shattered, the sword shearing cleanly through her skull. Two flaming halves of a corpse fell to the ground. A villain with guns for fingers started firing at him. He pulled his shield, and as expected, the Thorns CCLV  almost instantly killing the shooter. Herobrine then used his shield to block a strike from a long necked ghoul. Charlotte thought about the pressure he must be under at the moment. Suddenly, the mist man opened up a portal, unveiling at least a few hundred or so more villains.

Herobrine looked at the army of villains before summoning his horn. He held it up to his mouth before blowing, unleashing the war cry for his own reinforcements. He wasn't tired or worn out, however he didn't consider these underlings worth his time. Before the villains could act, several shots rang out as Reaper opened fire on them with his auto rifle. Several villains fell to the ground as the skeleton sniper blasted away.

"Quick, they're gaining." Tsu said as the aquatic villains climbed onto the ship. She, Izumi, and Mineta had been stranded there after the mist man teleported them. "Come here, kiddies." A shark villain said before climbing onto the deck, the other aquatic villains following suite. Suddenly, one villain was pulled underwater. "Hey, where's Kenichi going?" One asked before peering down at the water. A large, three pronged spear emerged from the water before nailing said villain in the face. The three students watched in horror as the water turned red. "Izumi, can you use your telekinesis to carry us out of here?" the frog girl asked. Izumi nodded before picking up Tsu and Mineta. "I'm going to need one of you carry me." Mineta was about to volunteer only for Tsu to pick up Izumi with her tongue. Soon, the three were flaoting out of harms way. Sharkyonara watched angrily before yelling to his fellow villains. "After them!" He shouted as he jumped over the side. "Uh guys, maybe we should..." The rest of the villains dove into the water, ignoring the blood.

Sharkyonara could feel the vibrations coming from beneath him when a heavy object slammed into his stomach. He lost his lunch and turned to see a pack of dolphins and blue-green men aggressively manhandling his compatriots. One was quickly approaching him with a large knife drawn. The dolphin that rammed into is stomach held him by his arm as the zombie approached.

 The dolphin that rammed into is stomach held him by his arm as the zombie approached

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Shoto and Shoka looked at the villains surrounding them from the top of the landslide zone. A few dozen villains quickly ran at them, jumping over rocks and debris. Shoto created a barrier of ice as Shoka blasted away at them. "Shoto, use your fire." Shoka shouted as more and more villains crossed over the ice barriers. "No, it's his po..." "SHOTO! Shut the fuck up about your petty grudge with dad. I need help over here." She said as a villain tackled her from behind. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" He shouted as he sent a wave of ice their way, accidentally freezing his sister. Shoka started to melt the ice while glaring at her brother. "Use your fire, damnit." "Never." Shoto said as he froze another wave of villains. "Behind you!" Someone shouted as a villain ran up behind the dual colored boy. Shoto turned just in time to be tackled by a villain in a green mask with a knife. Shoto felt the man's knees land on his hands as he desperately tried to throw him off. "THIS IS-" The villain stopped as a pair of large fangs sank into his spine. He turned to see a large blue spider sitting on top of him. Suddenly, more spiders emerged from the rubble, attacking the villains in droves. "Get it off! Get it off!" A bug themed villain said as the blue spiders wrapped him in webbed before biting him. A much larger black spider wander through the carnage, the web wrapped carcasses dragging behind him. "Um, Todoroki?" He heard a voice asked and he turned to see nothing. "Hagakure? You were here the whole time?" Shoka asked.


Denki, Jirou, and Momo had been backed into a corner. A large villain in a metal mask had chased them to the other side of the rope bridge, his unconscious body laying a few paces away. Several other villains had followed and were making their way across when Jirou kicked the post holding the post holding the bridge up. "Come on." She said as Momo summoned a knife and cut through the ropes. The bridge collapsed and all of the pursuing villains fell. Several managed to grab on but others weren't so lucky and soon ended up on the floor of the ravine, now a chasm of blood. The surviving villains attempted to climb up the rungs, not knowing what certain death awaited.

Blaster was about to detonate when the students cut the other side of the bridge. He was about to destroy the posts on his side but they beat him to the punch. Then he noticed the villains climbing up the bridge, so he watched as they climbed up. The nearest villain looked at him angrily before swearing. "Fuck are you looking at, dildo head?" Blaster summoned his Totem of Undying before detonating.

Momo, Denki, and Jirou watched in horror as the other side of the cliff exploded, sending tons of rock and stone tumbling down the side. All the villains unfortunate enough to survive the bridge collapsing soon were buried under the corpses of their comrades and the heaps of earth the explosion unleashed. "I'm gonna short circuit myself now, but only so I can get that image out of my head." Denki said as Momo and Jirou covered their mouths.

Sorry if I haven't updated. My computer was broken.

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now