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Herobrine sat in the armored car transporting him to the UN summit. Charlotte bounced in her beside him as he went over the meetings topics. The main ones being himself and the LOV. He took a sip from his drink, carefully to make sure he didn't spill it on his new suit. "Reaper, try calling Bub again." "Yes sir." The skeleton responded by pulling out his applicator before calling said zombie. The limousine slowed as i came to a halt in front of the United Nations University of Japan. "This is where their diplomats meet?" "Yes, my dear." Herobrine told Charlotte as she looked on in awe. The driver stepped out of the car before opening the door for the royal couple and their guards. Journalists flocked to them from behind the temporary fences, their cameras flashing and microphones shaking as the paparazzi attempted to get Herobrine to talk to them. One particularly nosy reporter jumped over the fence before rushing over to the king. "Hi, Maiya Takano, channel thirty-" She stopped when she felt a large black hand grab her skull. "Step away from the king!" Jeff shouted. 

Takano stared in horror as he picked her up before throwing her over the fence, before crushing her microphone underfoot. Her camera man ran over to her, putting his camera down before picking her up. "You never learn, do you?" He said as she punched him in the arm. 

Meanwhile, Herobrine had made his way to the conference hall. In the center of the room stood a desk that he and Charlotte were supposed to sit at. "It looks like a stadium." Charlotte whispered to him. Dozens of diplomats from all corners of the globe stared at him. Row upon row, whispers filled the air as the king and queen took their seats. The banging of a gavel filled the room as the man in charge, Nobuyoki Yamashina, called for order. "On behalf of the United Nations, we formally extend the hand of friendship and cooperation to the people of the..." He flipped through his papers. "Overworld. However, certain problems must be addressed. Mr Herobrine and Ms Charlotte, please introduce yourself for everyone by your full name, your title or position, and your country of origin." He said stiffly. Herobrine stood up.

"My name is Herobrine, Emperor and High King of the Collectivist Kingdom of the Overworld. My country of origin is the Collectivist Kingdom." He said before taking his seat. Charlotte rose and introduced herself as well. "Princess Charlotte Vieille Chloris Sphagnumus IV, current monarch of Mycelia, where I was born." She spoke before curtseying. Nobuyoki nodded before turning to the woman next to him. "By order of the Council of the United Nations, I hereby commence this meeting."


Stain paused as he felt cold steel press into the back of his skull. "That was the warning shot. Surrender now." Tensei Iida couldn't see who had saved him, but he couldn't help but feel that the voice was familiar. "Drop the sword, hands in the the air." The man said as he cocked the gun. Stain smiled before slowly raising his hands, his sword falling to the ground as he held his hands above his head. 

Bub's applicator rang, interrupting the tense situation. Bub closed the muzzle of his shotgun against Stain's forehead, his phone shaking furiously in his pocket. He slowly reached his spare hand into his pocket. Stain slowly lowered his hands only for Bub to jab the muzzle into his face before pulling out his phone. "Hello! What is it?" Bub shouted, not taking his eyes off the Hero Killer. As the seconds passed, Stain's quirk wore off, and once more Ingenium took to his feet. 

"I don't know where I am. In an alleyway." Bub said as Stain planned his attack. Faster than anyone could have anticipated, Stain stabbed Bub in the hand with the dagger he kept in the knot of his mask. Bub dropped the pistol before Ingenium grabbed the Hero Killer and suplexed him. Stain managed to catch himself before kicking the hero in the ribcage. He leaped over Tensei before grabbing his sword, rolling to his feet, and slashing at Bub. Bub summoned his own sword and blocking, hitting Stain's sword dead center.

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now