Not-So-Nicely Dream

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Kayla's POV

 "Do you honestly think i'm going to let you control my life?!?!" I yelled. "You should know better than to yell at me!!" He said. I run to my bedroom, leaving the door open. "Should've closed and locked it." I thought to myself. I hurry to pack my things and as soon as i'm about to hit the front doorway, I feel two strong arms pull me from behind. Then, darkness.

I jolt awake, and for a second, I don't remember where I am. Then it comes rushing back. I'm with the lads; i'm safe. What was that dream about? I haven't had a dream like that since...well I can't remember. It was so long ago, I had forgot about everything to do with that horrible person. I shiver just to say his name. Shawn. The worst person you could ever meet. He was the guy I was with before I met the lads. I had just met Mariah at the time. He and I started out as any other couple. We did things together, we always hung out. People even said we were a good couple and they would be jealous. Little did they know what went on behind the scenes later on. He started drinking and getting high and he would always come home drunk and wasted. He would hit me whenever he got mad at me and threatened to kill me if I told anyone. That means to this day Mariah doesn't even know about the abuse. She knows that we were a couple, but not the abuse. I secretly wonder everyday if he will show up at my doorstep. If he did, I wouldn't know what to do. Nathan soon comes in the room with a cup of tea. "Hello Kayla. Sleep well?" He said cheerfully. "Not really." I said. "Awww what has my girl not sleeping well?" He asked. I decided it was time. "Well Nath, before I met you, and the guys, I had a boyfriend. We started out nice. We always hung out, did things together, much like me and you now. But soon, he started drinking and smoking and when he came home drunk or high, he would always beat me, whether he was mad at me or not. He just did it out of violence most of the time. This was when I was just meeting Mariah. And one day, he beat me to my core. He said, if I ever told anyone about him abusing me, he...he threatened to kill me. And to this day, I still wonder if he would ever show up at my doorstep." I finished. "You never have to worry about him ever again. He lays a hand on you, i'll kill him. You didn't deserve that. So, if I may, what was your dream about exactly?" He said with a serious look. "Okay well, he was just getting home. It was late and he came back from the bar. I could tell he was wasted. He couldn't even walk straight. He stumbled into the living room and sat down. I just kept my eyes on the TV trying not to look at him. The next thing I know i'm being dragged up and hit. I escape his grasp and I run to get my things. I had decided I was leaving him. I had gotten all of my stuff and by the time I had reached the front door, I felt his hands grab me. Then, darkness." I said. I looked up at Nathan. His eyes weren't green anymore. They were dark and black. You could look straight into your reflection. "You never, ever, I mean EVER, have to deal with that devil of a man. I'll never let him lay a finger on you ever again. He comes near you, he's going through me. I don't care what happens, as long as you're safe." he said. His eyes returned to that emerald color I always loved.

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