New Addition To Her Life (FINAL CHAPTER)

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Kayla's POV

When we made it back to the flat, everyone was ready to greet me. "Lads, I still don't remember you." I said. They looked sad when I said that. "It's weird, she only remembers me and Shawn." Nathan said. Pretty soon, someone came out of a room. "Kayla?" she asked.


"Do you remember me?"

"No." I said. "That's Mariah, you're best friend." Nathan gestured. I walked over to her, and hugged her. "Does this mean you remember me?" she asked hopefully. "No. But i'm sure I will." I replied. My phone then started ringing. It was from a number I didn't have in my contacts. "Hello?" I asked. "Put me on speaker." the person said. What the hell? I'm thinking to myself. "Okay, you're on speaker." I said and put the phone out in front of me. I nudged everyone to listen in on this conversation. "Nathan." the speaker said. We all looked at Nathan and he looked confused and scared. "Speaking.." he said. "I have one last proposal. If you give yourself up, i'll stay away from Kayla." he said. "No deal." Nathan said quickly. "You leave me no choice then." he said and the line went dead. Next thing I knew, I was knocked on the head, and I blacked out.

Nathan's POV

I woke up to blackness. My mouth was muffled, and it must have been dark out because it was cold. I tried to make a noise, but I couldn't even hear myself.  Then suddenly, the gag in my mouth was removed. "Hello Nathan." A voice said. "Who's there!!" I called. Then the shield over my eyes was removed. when my vision recovered, Shawn was in view. "What the hell?!" I asked and tried to get up. Turns out, I was strapped to a seat. I looked around for Kayla. She was sitting right beside me, unconscious. "Be calm, Nathan." he told me. "Be calm? Be CALM?! I'm sitting here strapped in a chair, fearing for my girlfriends' life and you're telling me to be calm?!!" I yelled. "Good point." he said. He slapped Kayla in the face and she immediately woke up. "Watch it."  I growled. "What the hell?" she said, she seemed really disoriented.

"Hello Kayla."  

"What the hell?!" she repeated, more scared this time. "Stop squirming!" He said and she stopped. He cut her free and got her up. She tried to get from his grasp but couldn't. "Now Nathan, watch closely." He said and kissed her right in front of me. When he pulled away, he strapped her back the chair. "Ew, now I have to disinfect my mouth." She muttered. That made me chuckle. "Where's everyone else?" She asked. "Probably dead. We gave them a good beating." He said.  He had to be bluffing. "Let us out!!" Kayla yelled. "Sure. I'll let NATHAN out." He cut me free. I looked at him as if he was psycho. Oh wait...he is! "Let me out as well!" She yelled. "Oh no Kayla, you're staying. Little Nathan here is free to go. I have no use for him now." he pushed me aside. "Well, if i'm staying here forever, at least give me and Nathan time to say our good byes and things." She said. "Fine, you have three minutes." He said and left the room. 

Kayla's POV

 "Okay Nathan we only have three minutes so Listen closely." I whispered. "Since you're getting let go, you need to go the police and get them here, so Shawn can go behind bars. Understood?" I said. "Yes." he said. "And Kayla?" he asked.


"I love you."

"I love you to."

Just then, Shawn came back and told Nathan it was time to go. I know we were only going to be apart for not very long but It pained me to see him leave. Shawn showed Nathan to the door and when I heard it open and close, A tear went down my cheek. Shawn appeared again in the room I was in. "It's a shame you resisted so much." he said. "Yeah, so what?" I spat. "If you had just given your pretty little self to me, maybe it wouldn't have come to this." he said. I rolled my eyes at that. That was huge lie. "Whatever." I muttered. I soon fell asleep and heard Shawn leave the room.

I awoke to banging on the door. "Police!!! Open the door now!!!" a voice boomed. Yes! Nathan got them! "That little runt called the cops!!" Shawn called. "Only because I told him to!" I yelled. "Open the door or we're coming in by force!!" The voice boomed again. Shawn never responded. I heard the door being knocked in a few times before I could hear the clear voice of the police. Then I heard footsteps. A police officer came into the room I was in and set me free. I was so relieved, I even hugged him. I then went downstairs with him. I saw Nathan with a huge grin on his face. Then another officer came down the stairs with Shawn in handcuffs. "You'll pay for this!!" he called behind him as they were walking out of the door. "If he ever gets out." I said. We both laughed at that. The police then drove us home.

When we got there, the lads we all on the couch, with a bruise on  their face. "Aw boys...are you ok?" I ran over to them. "Bruised, but we'll be fine." Max said. "No Max, You're bleeding." she pointed. "Wait, what did you just call me?" he asked. "Max..duh?" I asked. "You remember!!" They all shouted. "I do!" I realized. Nathan hugged me and everyone else joined in as well. 


Days later....


Isn't today supposed to be the day I start my period? I asked myself. I went to the bathroom and checked myself. Nothing. Am I... No. I can't be!   "Mariah!!" I called her in the bed room. Nathan was gone to go do something. "I'm late." I said once she got in there. "You think you're...pregnant?" Her voice got softer. I nodded. "We need to be sure." She said. We went to the store, and bought the pregnancy test. When we got back home,  I immediately took it while Mariah waited for me to get done. 

"I took it and now i'm waiting for the results." I said. "I can't believe you could be pregnant!" Mariah said. "Yeah..." I said.

"How long until you know?"

"Two minutes." I said. The two minutes flew by and I braced myself for the out come. I saw the result and nearly dropped it. I went out to Mariah and she said, "Well?!" 

"It's Positive."




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