Wasted Sloth

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Mariah's POV

 "People!!! It is time to shower and get ready to go!!" I yelled in the middle of the living room. "You heard her people!! Get your lazy arses ready!! That means you as well Tom!" Kayla said, walking out of Nathan's room. "Oi!! Pipe down down there! I'll be ready soon enough!" He yelled from his room. "Sure he will." Kayla mouthed. I laughed, and went back into Jay's room. "Bird, wake up!" I said. "In a minute." He said through muffled sleep. "No. Not in a minute, nowww!!" I said, jumping on him. "Ah! Ambush!!" He said, suddenly awake. I started tickling him. "You wanna give in now?" I asked. "Nope!!" He said, getting on top of me by surprise. "JAY! JAY! ST-STOP!" I barely got out. "Now do YOU want to give in?" He asked, ready to pounce again. "Yes! Yes i give in!" I said. "But you still have to get ready." I said. "I know, but so do you. So who is gonna go first?" He asked. "Me, since I take the shortest time." I said. "You take such little time to ready and you come out looking like it took you forever to look that good. Tell me, what's your secret?" He said. "Very funny Jay. And there is no secret, because believe it or not, you have that talent also, you just CHOOSE to take forever." I said. "Do you want to get tickled again? Because you're on your way to." He said with a smirk. "No Birdie don't kill me with laughter." I said, pretending to perish. "Okay I can't resist your plead. Oh and a word of advice, don't sing in the shower unless you want a repeat of what happened last time." He said with a wink. "Maybe I WANT a repeat of what happened last time." I winked back. "Suit yourself." He said in a seductive voice. I just went into the bathroom and started me shower. I stayed in there for less time than I had planned, because I wanted to give Jay a taste of his own medicine. But oh well. I got out and when I did, I got my clothes on and went out to the living room. I was surprised to see Max and Siva ready to go. "So who all are we still waiting for?" Siva said. "Jay, Tom, Nathan, and Kayla." I said, rolling my eyes when I said Jay and Tom's name. "Jay should be out in a minute. Hopefully." I said.

Nathan's POV

 "Come on Kayla we have to get ready." I said, finally getting up. "Yeah I know. I'm gonna go first." She said. "M'kay." I said. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. I gotta think of how we are going to do this if we see Shawn at the club. Knife, I thought. I'll bring one, and Kayla will bring one. We have to be ready. Shawn could have anything ready. I just don't want to see Kayla getting hurt.

Kayla's POV 

When I got out of the shower, I walk into the room to see Nathan pondering. "What you thinking about babe?" I asked. He shook out of his mind. "Oh nothing, just thinking." He said. "About Shawn? I'm nervous to, but like I said, we can get through this." I said. "We can make it through the stormy weather." He sang. "That's my boy." I said with a smile. "Okay, go get in the shower lover boy!" I said, and he did. I got my clothes on, and went out to the kitchen. I opened the bedroom door, and staggered back. almost everyone was sitting on the couches. The only people who were missing was Jay, Tom, and then there was Nathan. "One down." Siva said. I started laughing. "Jay if you don't hurry your arse up and get out here, im gonna come in there and drag you out myself!" Mariah called. "Just calm down! i'll be out in a sec." i heard him say. "Tom!!! Hurry up we're waiting!!" I yelled up the stairs. "Shut up and wait! My good looks just don't 'happen' you know!!" He called back down. I heard Nathan's bedroom door open. "Finally mate!" Max said. "Oh come on I wasn't THAT long." Nathan said. "We still have Jay and Tom to wait for don't we..." he asked. "Yep. Slowpokes!!!" Max called. "I'm going to check on Jay." Mariah said. Before she had the chance to get up, he came out of the room. "You're lucky I didn't come in there." Mariah said. "Oooh i'm so scared." He said in a mocking tone. "Oh that's it. You're gonna get it when we get back." She said. "Can't wait." He said. "Okaaaay." Siva said, obviously listening. We all laughed. Pretty soon, Tom came down the stairs. "It is about time!!" Mariah and I said. "It takes time to look this good." He says. "Whatever, let's go." Max said.

*Time passed*

Kayla's POV

 "Wow, this is shortest i've ever seen this line." I said. We got into the club really quick actually. I went to the bar with Nathan, Mariah and Jay went off to the dance floor, Tom went to the bar and so did Siva. "I'll have a vodka on the rocks." I said to the bartender. "Make it two please." Nathan said. "Babe i'm on edge." He said. "Just calm down Nathan. There's too many people in here for him to be here. Besides, why would he be here? And even if he was, how the hell would he find us over all these people?" I said. "Okay, I guess your right." He said, I saw him loosen up his body. He was stiff to begin with. "Now we came here to take our minds off of Shawn. And that is what we're gonna do." I said with a grin. Pretty soon, we were out on the dance floor with Mariah and Jay. Nathan had had a few more shots and he was drunk and fired up. I loved it. This is the Nathan that I wanted for this one night. "I'll be right back." I said, and went to get another shot. I took it and as I did, I felt hands go around my waist. I turned around to expect Nathan, but what i got was nothing good. "I - um- Shawn what are you doing he-" I said before he cut me off. "You thought I wouldn't find you? How's this for a finding?" He said, coming down to my neck. He tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. "Let me make this perfectly clear," I said, getting up in his face. "You and I will never be anything anymore. You blew it. Game over. I can't even look at you." I said. He pushed me away from the bar and pushed me into the wall. He put his hands around my waist and tried to kiss me. I tried to move away, but he had me pressed up against the wall. As he was about to kiss me, he was lifted up off of me. I watched as this heated fight between Nathan and Shawn got heated up even more. Shawn eventually gave in and left out of the club. "N-Nathan that was-" He cut me off by kissing me. It was wet and passionate and I couldn't be happier. We pulled away and he said, "I knew there something that made me fall for you." I was going to question it, but I let it go. I guess he was right, and I felt the same for him. I smiled into the kiss as he deepened it, moving his tongue in my mouth. He moved his hands to my waist and grabbed my buttocks, squeezing them. I put my hands up his shirt, causing him to chuckle. I pulled away and whispered ever so lightly, "When we get home." He smiled and said, "When we get home."

-Everyone's back home and they are all asleep, except for Kayla and Nathan- *WARNING* this part has a little bit of sexytime in it.

Still Kayla's POV

 We go into the bedroom and closed the door. We take off our shirts and the next thing I know, i'm on the bed with Nathan on top of me. We're making out, and he moves his mouth to my neck, nibbling at it very lightly. I let out a small moan. He chuckles and moves his mouth back up to mine. "Tonight, I get you all to myself." He says in a seductive voice. "I'm all yours." I say. He starts to bite my lip and I moan louder. This is what I wanted. And for the rest of the night, well, I think you know what happened. 

*Next Morning*

Kayla's POV

 I wake up to find Nathan's arms wrapped around me and me with my clothes off. "Wonder what happened last night." I said. I only remember some of what happened. I got up, without waking Nathan, and went to go wash my face. I put on my old clothes from yesterday and go get some tea. I walk back into Nathan's room to find him awake. "Morning sleepy head." I said. "Um, good morning. You made a brew?" He asked. "Yeah. There's some in there for you to." I said. "Okay but, if I may, what all happened last night?" He asked. "You want me to start from the beginning? Or start from when we had sexytime?" I said. His eyebrows raised when I said sexytime. "Hold on, we had sexytime?" He asked with surprise. "Well yeah." I said. "How was it?" He asked. "Weird question...but it was aamzing" I said. "I was wasted wasn't I?" He said, blushing. "Very." I said laughing. "Shawn was at the club last night. He saw me and came up to me, he tried to do something but I got him off. He just came onto me again and right when I thought it was all over, You came up and dragged him up off of me. You two fought for a moment, but Shawn gave up after a bit. And after that, it was sexytime." I said, raising my eyebrows at 'sexytime'. "You're crazy you know that?" He asked. "Yeah I get that a lot." I said. "One of the many reasons I love you." He said, and went to go get some tea. That left me blushing.

*****A/N: Okay. Gonna be fairly honest here. This has been quite a...mushy ,lovey dovey, part. In my own judgement, I read this back to myself in the most lovey dovey voice ever.

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