Threats Can Only Do So Much, Pt. 1

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A/N--- Well, here's an update. I sort of sped through it a bit so It may or may not make a whole lot of sense. But hey, More chapters to come today, so try and keep up!                              


Nathan's POV

 I head to the living room, deciding i'm gonna play FIFA, because i'm bored out of my mind. Jay eventually joins and we play. I crush him 6 times before he really starts trying. "Let it be known that I, Nathan Sykes, just kicked your arse in FIFA." I said, laughing my head off. "And let it be known that i'm gonna come back and beat you just like I always do." Jay said with a sly grin on his face. "Bring it." I said. He kept losing and losing and eventually beat me...twice. "So let's see," I said. "I beat you 8 times and you beat me, what? 2 times?" I said. "Okay, maybe i'm just a little rusty. But next time I play you, be ready to get crushed." He said. "Oooh. Evil little Jay gonna get me." I said mockingly. "Well maybe i'll just take your little sweetie pie and hide her in my dungeon." He said in his gremlin voice. "No please!! Anything but that!" I said, pretending to plea. "You're funny, Bird."

"You had me there for a minute. And when I just getting used to the plea." he said. "Don't get used to it." I said. He eventually left the room and I stopped playing after a while.

Kayla's POV

*vibrate vibrate*  Here we go again. 

"Well hello Kayla!! You may get tired of me sending you these random texts everyday, but hey. What's a guy gotta do to get some mayhem around here? Anyway, I have a proposal. You come back to me, leave your friends, and everything is all fine and peachy. But, if you choose to stay and not come back to me, consequences will be drawn. I won't go into detail, what fun would that be? So Kayla, what's it gonna be? -Shawn  

"Seriously?!!" I yell. "This is just pure bullshit! He expects me to choose! He should know what i'm gonna choose. This bitch is just trying to scare me is all." I said to myself.

"You wanna know what i'm gonna choose? You should know, but i'll still tell you, to refresh your memory. I'm staying with my friends. And go ahead and do whatever the fuck it is you want to do. Because i'm not the same girl i was years ago. You made me who i am today. And today, i'm standing up for myself. You touch me or ANY of my friends, You go down. I don't back down without a fight. And you my friend, have just sparked a war. good luck sleeping tonight. I bet you could, considering you're the devil. 

Hell, i'll be lucky if I'M able to sleep tonight. I get a text back pretty soon after. 

"You were warned." 

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