It May Be Over, Pt 1

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A/N~~~ Can you believe it?!! Kayla got shot! Did you think Shawn could go that far? Well, here's another part!

Kayla's POV

 I awake to bright lights and and a pounding headache. I'm back in the hospital, I thought. I'm sweating and my whole body hurts and i'm numb. "Nathan..Nathan.."  I manage to muster. "Get her into the ER!!" I hear voices. I can't tell if they were his or not. My vision is blurry and I can barely breathe. "We have to get the bullets out of her." I hear someone say. I feel something rummaging around in my chest and I black out once again.


I awake in a hospital room. It takes a bit to remember what happened. I got shot in the chest, twice. Trying to save Nathan. I wonder what ended up happening. I can't believe I did that. Pretty soon, the door  opens. The lads all walk in one by one. "Hey boys." I said. "How are you feeling?" Nathan asked. His eyes were red and puffy, it looked as if he had been crying. "I'm fine I guess. I'm still numb in some places though." I said. "I can't believe Shawn would do something like this." Tom said. Tom treats me like a little sister. Nathan came up to me closer and knelt down and said, "Why'd you take the bullets for me?" "Instinct I guess. I wasn't letting you get hurt like that. You had already been ran over.If you had got any more hurt, you would've died." I said. "I can't help feeling it's my fault." He said. "No. If anything, it's my fault. I thought I had rid Shawn of my life years ago. I should be the one apologising." I said. He looked as if he was about to cry. "It's not your fault. Don't apologise." He said. "I love you so much Nathan." I said. "I love you to." He said and went to go join the guys. My chest really hurts. "What did Shawn do after I got shot?" I asked. Nathan sniffled, "Well, when you got shot, he fled and I called 911." Nathan said, close to crying. "We got there shortly after." Jay said.

"We knew something was up." Siva said

 "Oh." I sighed. All the sudden my chest started hurting really bad and I was breathing heavily. "Call...a doctor!" I got out. Nathan shot up and called out the door, "Somebody get in here this patient needs help!!!" Doctors, one by another came in. I was stabbed with something needle-like and next thing I knew, I blacked out.


Nathan's POV

 The doctors said we had to leave the room because they needed all the quiet they could get. They apparently have to preform surgery on Kayla. I press my ear to the door to hear what they're saying. I can barely make out the words, 'large intestine' and 'bullet'. "Shit, shit, shit." I'm pacing outside of the hallway now. "Mate calm down, she'll be ok." Jay said, trying to calm me down. "And what if she's not Jay? What if she dies?!!" I said, getting in his face. "Sorry for trying to help..." he said. "Jay, i'm sorry for snapping at you, i'm just on edge." I said. "It's okay Nath, but like I said, everything will be okay." He said. "I sure hope so." I said.

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