Unforgettable Moment

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Kayla's POV

I wake up this morning with a smile on my face. I check my phone, only to find a new text message. Its from Nathan! I get a warm giddy feeling inside of me.

"Morning love! Hope you have a good day today! I was hoping maybe we could go catch a movie? And also, the boys said Mariah could come by anytime to meet them. <3." 

"Heyy Nath! Umm...no i don't wanna go see a movie srry :( i was gonna hang out with Mariah for a couple hours. Maybe we can hang out at my place after me and her get back? And that's great! i'll tell Mariah when she can meet the guys."

"Aw that's too bad. Sure we can hang out at ur flat today! Let me know when u get back with Mariah! xxx -Nath"

I felt a smile going on my face. I'm starting to wonder if Nathan really does like me. It would just be amazing if he did. "Hey Mariah?!" I yelled from my bedroom. "Yeah?" Mariah yells back. "Wanna hang out today? Like, go to the mall or something?" I ask, walking into her room. "Okay sure thing Kayla..." Mariah says, not looking up from her laptop. "Okay be ready in about an hour." I say, leaving the room. I turn my shower on and wait for the water to get warm. While I wait, I pick out my outfit. Lets see, My "Lets get crazy" shirt, my dark blue jeans, and my pink hightops. "Nicely." I thought. I step in the shower, wash up, get out, style my hair, and put my clothes on. "Mariah you ready yet?!" I yell. "No, I'm not." Mariah laughs. "Get off your lazy arse and shower!" I yell-laugh. "Pushy." She says playfully. She's ready in about 15 minutes, and when we're ready, we grab our phones, our purses, and we head out. "Eastward?" Mariah says, starting the car. "You know it." I said. We turn on the radio and Glad You Came comes on. Mariah looks at me funny and we start to sing. Before we knew it, we were at the mall. We get out of the car and we head in. "Where to first?" Mariah asks. "I don't know. How about to Chanel?" I ask. "Sure." Mariah says. "WAIT. Is that...Nathan?" Mariah asks. "There! in the Forever 21!" She points. "Oh my christ on a bike" I say. "It has to be! Call his name." Mariah nudges me. "Nathan!" I call. 

Nathan's POV

Holy shit. Its Kayla and Mariah. I hear them calling my name. "Nathan!" I hear a second time. "Don't respond! Keep your mouth shut!" I say to myself. I cant let Kayla know I'm here shopping for her. Although she'll probably ask me about this later. I'll just play it cool. Kayla calls my name one more time. "Nathan?!" She says again. After I don't respond, they walk away and resume their shopping. I get Kayla some dresses, a skirt, a couple of high tops, and I kinda treat myself to a couple shirts for myself. Great. Now to just slip out of here without anyone noticing. I do so, and I make it back to flat in time to get ready for Kayla. "Relax Nath. You'll know when to ask her." Max says, obviously seeing my worried face. "Yeah I hope so." I muttered.  

Kayla's POV

 Me and Mariah are still shopping after an hour and a half. "Woah Kayla my feet are killing me." Mariah said. "Ehh..Yeah me to." I say. "Okay, time to go!" I say weakly but with effort. Luckily we make it back to the car and to the flat without our feet falling off. "Well Mariah, that was quite a workout...for our feet!" I say, laughing. "I'm going to text Nathan. We had agreed he would come over today. Oh and by the way, about you meeting the guys, Nathan said anytime for them would be okay."

"Greaat." She said, massaging her own feet. I begin to text Nathan. The text reads,

"Hey Nathan! You can come over anytime now! We're back from hanging out at the mall and speaking of the mall, we saw someone who looked JUST like you. Were u at the mall at all today? xx"

"Hey Kayla! Ya i should be over there in about a half hour. And no I wasn't at the mall today. Cool u saw someone who looked like me. xx"

"Ok see u when u get here Nath!" I send it and I wait for him.  

Nathan's POV

 Oh my mother of lord, Kayla almost saw me at the mall. Honestly, I feel I'm lucky she didn't come up to me or else my cover would've been blown. I wanna surprise her with gifts. Not today, maybe tomorrow. Ugh I don't know. "When she just doesn't expect it." Siva's words replay in my head. "Alright mates! I'm leaving to go to Kayla's!" I call out. "Good Luck!" I hear Siva say. I make it to Kayla's place in almost no time. I knock on the door. It swings open with Kayla standing at the doorway. "Well well well. Hello Sykes." She says with an inviting smirk. "Well hello Bareleis." I say with a sly grin. "Come in." She said. "Soooo what you wanna do?" I ask. "I got Mario Kart, wanna play?" she asks. "Hell ya i wanna play." I say. "Can Mariah play to?" Kayla asks. "I don't care, if she wants." i said. "Okay. Mariah! We're playing Mario Kart do you want to play with us?" Kayla said. "I'll play the second round! You guys go ahead!" Mariah said. So we start the game and right off, Kayla starts to beat me. Then pretty soon, I catch up and end up winning round 1. "Mariah! If you still wanna play, you can!" I yell. "No, nevermind I don't want to!" Mariah yells. We play a few more rounds, but get bored after a while. Then, Kayla asked me the question that changes change our relationship forever.

"Nathan?" Kayla asks. "Yes love?" I say. "Can I ask you a question?"

 "Go ahead." I say.

"Well, Nathan, you see I met this guy I can't stop thinking about him. And the worst part is that I don't know how he feels. What should I do?" Kayla asks. "Well, Kayla. I need to ask you something as well." I say. "Yeah?" Kayla said, now staring at me. "Do it! Do it!" My mind is telling me. I lean forward and


My lips are on hers. She doesn't pull away, not until I do. I pull away, and I break the question out. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. "Nathan. Yes. YES I WILL!!!" Kayla says. "Gosh that's great news love!" I say, full on happy mode. "Nathan I have a confession. I've loved you since the day we met." Kayla says, blushing. "I have a confession to, love. Two actually. One, i've loved you since the second I saw you, and two, that was me at the mall who you saw." I smiled. "I KNEW it!" Kayla said. "Soo? What did you buy?" She asked. "Oh nothing." I said casually. "Come ON! You know you wanna tell me!" Kayla said playfully. "Your right. I do want to tell you. but that would just ruin the surprise." I said. She lit up as soon as she heard that. "Well then, I like surprises." Kayla said. "You'll know more about it later." I said. "Meanwhile, we have to tell the boys and the girls we are now a couple!" Kayla said. "Mariah will be the first to know. Mariah!" "Yes?" she called. "Get in here we have something to tell ya!" Nathan said. "Yeah?" she said at her doorway. "Me and Nathan are a couple." Kayla said, happily. "Awww!!!! I knew you to would end up together!" Mariah said. "Mariah you might as well tell her." Nathan said. "Oh yeah! Nathan told me he loved you long before you two became a couple." Mariah says, laughing. "That's cool." Kayla says. "Nathan." I hear Kayla say kind of sad. "Yes love?" I say. "I love you." 

"I love you to the end of the galaxy." I said. "There is no end of the galaxy." Kayla said. "Exactly." I said. "Awww Nath!" She blushed. We hug and we talk for a little more before I leave. "Nathan?" Mariah asks. "Yeah Mariah?"

"Do you guys maybe wanna go clubbing tonight?" Mariah asks. "I'm good with it." Kayla says. "Me to." I say. "The lads going to? You know how they love to go clubbing to." I ask. "Well duh!" Mariah says, chuckling. "Good then, i'll let the guys know when I get back to the flat." I say. "Okay well, bye Nath." Kayla says. "Bye." I say. And I head to the flat.  

Kayla's POV 

Holy mother of Christ I'm dating Nathan Sykes. "Mariah." i say. "Yeah?"

"Can you believe I'm Nathan Sykes's GIRLFRIEND?!" I asked, filled with joy. "Yes Kayla, I can believe it." Mariah said. "Well I'm going to go find out what I'm gonna wear since we are going clubbing." I said. "Ok silly." she said. I went in my room and closed the door. 

Nathan's POV 

I made it to the flat with the biggest smile on my face. I walked into the living room. "Lads get down here I got big news!!" They all came down one by one. "Whats up mate?" Tom asked. "What's the news?" Siva asked. "I asked her."

"You asked Kayla out?!" Max said. "Hell Yes!! Yes yes I did!" I yelled. "That's great mate!" Siva said with joy. "Oh and by the way, Kayla and Mariah want to go clubbing with all of us." I said. They all exchanged quick glances. "Sure we'll go." Jay said. "Good then! If I were you lads, i'd get ready quick." I said. "Give us an hour." They all said.

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