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I can't take this town any more!its  so small yet it's got so many secrets.. so many mysteries. Why can't it be a normal small  town.

so many thoughts race around my head until I step into the school cafeteria. Amy. Amy is finally here. I race up to her and embrace her in a tight hug.

"Maddi!!!" She squeals as I let go of her.

"Amy! I missed you so much! How are you? Are you okay?"

"Yes,  why wouldn't I be okay?" She smiles.

I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion " you know, the woods.." I whisper

"I haven't been to the woods and you shouldn't to!" She playfully hits my arms and walks away.

Okay, that's it. I'm so over this town. Too many strange things are happening and I couldn't care less anymore ! How could- "you look beautiful today" and deep voice  whispers before sitting next to me.harry.

"Good morning" I sigh

"Rough morning? " he smiles, he really does have a beautiful smile. His straight white Teath in contrast to his pink lips..

"Staring is impolite " he says and I blush due to the fact I got caught  checking him out.

"No need to blush babe,  I was wondering if you would, if you would want to, uh, like to, fuck, go out with me this Friday. " I says the end faster.

I smirk " sorry what was that?"

"I'm not used to asking people out please don't make me do it again. You lucky I said it the first time."


"Yes what? "

"Yes I will go on a date with you" I smile and so does he.

"Perfect. I will pick you up at 7. Don't wear anything fancy." He says aS the bell rang and everyone started making their way to class.


The lunch bell rings as everyone gathers their belongings and runs out of class. I usually  wait before I go  to I don't get run over by all the students  but this time I found my self right in the middle of the cluster looking for Amy. 

I make my way into the cafeteria but I don't see her anywhere. So before kat could see me I run out in search for Amy. I pull out a lunch bar from my backpack and start too eat it while searching for kat until I hear her familiar voice.

"Why can't I just tell them?" She asks

I sneak closer to hear them and gasp at who she is talking to.

"Because I said so babe" I cringe at the sound of his voice. Justin.

"They are my friends. They will under-"

"Enough! This is not negotiable,  do you want to get punished?" I could tell he was smirking now.

Amy mumbles a quiet  'no' before I hear footsteps walking in the opposite direction and I mentally sigh.  What is going on between Amy and Justin?  Why can't she tell me.. what does justin mean by punishment? God, my head hurts.

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now