jerry springer

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"he is totally checking you out!" I smirk at kat, kat and i have gone to the mall to do some shopping, "who cares" she giggles

"I do! you guys would make beautiful babies" I joke and she hits my arm. "would you like my to get his-"

"hey" I look up and see the guy i was talking about is infront of our table. "hey" kat greets and looks down becoming shy.

"well, im going to go get a refill, bye" I stand up giving them some privacy. as im walking away I turn round to see kat sending me an evil look. I smirk and start grinding on the machine while im getting a refill and her cheeks turn crimson.

she has always been embarrassed about sex. I chuckle and put the lid on top of my cup. my eyes glance around the room and land on a familiar blonde. Rachel.

just before I gag at what she is hearing I see a familiar set of curls. I should have known. I don't care though, its not like we are together. I stand up straight and walk towards them.

"oh look, its Meredith" I hear Rachel shriek. "oh look, its Rambo" I tilt my head and smile. "and harry" I tilt my head towards him. "long time no see" I say sarcastically.

"maddison, its not what it- " "looks like?" I finish his sentence. "why would I care what it looks like harry? its not like we are together right?"i smile and he clenches his jaw.

"look what I bought for my date tonight" she smirks. it feels like i got punched in the stomach why do I feel jealous? fuck, I think I like harry. no, its not possible. "any thing beats what you are wearing now, it looks like you just got back from 'the jerry springer show'   " I smile. before she replies I walk away.

"enjoy your date" I say while walking away.

"kat?" I mumble as I walk up to our empty table. where is she? my heart rate quickens as I walk around the mall in search of my friend. what if that guy kidnapped her or what if he was a shadow person! what if -

my thoughts get cut off as I turn the corner and find kat pushed up against the wall snogging the guy. ew, ew , ew. what happened to sweet little innocent kat! I realise that I am just standing there watching them make out. right. I quickly run out of kats view and sigh. I guess im shopping by myself.   

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now