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"you need to be medicated" I giggle at harry. its Saturday and we are just lounging around the house. its nice being in his company with no one to interrupt us. its like we are a normal teenage couple, with no weird shadow people or  'nine circles of hell'. its relaxing.

I snap out of my thoughts when harry shrieks, yes, shrieks- as in the most girlish shriek in the world. "what is it?" I ask as harry pushes himself against the kitchen counter. "be careful" he yells at me when i try to walk closer to him.

"whats wrong?" I ask getting paranoid. what ever is scaring harry must be scary or big.. or scary and big.  "its moving" he yells and points in the direction of the window. I turn to see what is making harry so terrified.

"you cant be serious" I turn to harry then back at the window. in the corner of the window there is a beautiful dragonfly. "looks at that tail. its massive! if it strings you with that massive thing you will probably die!" he yelps. I start laughing. not giggling, full out laughing. "dragonflies are harmless" I say while laughing and move towards the insect. i unlock the window and the insect flies into the atmosphere.

I watch it fly away for a couple seconds before turning to harry. he still looks like he had seen a ghost and I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing. "don't talk about it" he narrows his eyes at me and I put my hands up in defence "wasn't planning to" I smirk as he walks towards the lounge.

"oh my god, a dragonfly!" I yell and harry jumps in fright. a laugh escapes my lips and I don't stop it, tears steam out of my eyes and my stomach hurts when my laughter finally stops. "I didn't know you could jump so high" I say out of breath. "fuck you" he mumbles "wouldn't you love to" I smirk and he turns around and stalks towards me.

"are you hinting maddison?" he asks. I lean closer to him and whisper in his ear "nope" I giggle popping the 'p' and quickly run into harrys room. "maddi!" he yells. hide- I need to hide. I quickly and quietly ram myself into his messy closet and close the door. its dark in the closet and all I can hear is my ragged breathing until I hear harry walk in. "maddi" he sings "don't you think your abit old for this" he sighs.

I hear his boots stop infront of the closet and my breathing hitches. he knocks on the closet door. "whos there?" I laugh referring to the classic 'knock knock' jokes. "orange" he says and I reply "orange who?"

I wait a couple of seconds

"orange you gonna come out of the closet yet?" I can hear the smile in his voice, so I mentally facepalm at that horrendous joke but pretend to laugh to make him feel good. "haha, good one styles" I smirk as I fling open the closet door.

"I made it up my self!" he says obviously proud of himself. dork.

"really? I had no idea!" I fake gasp. and swing my arms around his neck. "that was really funny babe" I say before pecking his lips. and walking to the shower. "where are the towels? im going to take a shower." I ask and turn around half way towards the shower. harry raises his one eyebrow "there is a rule in my house." he smirks "you not aloud to take a shower without me. "

"in your dreams styles" I smile. and he pouts. before getting me two towels and handing them to me. "thanks" I say and walk towards the shower. "im here if you need help in the shower!" he yells as I close the door. "noted" I yell back and smile to myself.

the water is warm as it hits my cold skin. I start humming a couple tunes and every now and then I sing a line or two.. as im singing 'titanium' I hear harry knock on the door. I automatically blush, realising that he heard me singing. "yes?" I shout over the running water. "you know," harry begins and I can hear the humour in his voice 

"singing in the shower is all fun and games, until you get shampoo in your mouth. then it becomes a soap opera " he says and starts laughing at his own joke.

my boyfriends such a dork.

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now