spiderman vs superman

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Friday comes quicker than I imagined and im currently in harrys car. "spiderman is way better than superman" I snort and harry shakes his head. "superman has a cape. " he says and turns the corner. "spiderman has a web" I state. 'superman is better' he mumbles before stopping the car at a little restaurant. it looks cozy.

harry asks for a table by the window. the woods is right across from the restaurant and it gives me the chills. harry still hasn't spoken of the night he told my of the nine circles of hell. I think he was joking when he said he went to hell. its impossible.

the rest of the night is filled with harrys terrible jokes and pick up lines. with every word he says I can feel myself falling for him. he is dangerous, and maybe a bit crazy. but its okay, he is a mystery and im determined to figure him out. "I lean over the table and plant a kiss on his lips. 'would you like to get out of here?' I whisper in his ear and he gulps.

"check please" he rasps out the waitor and quickly pays for the both of us.

its gotten colder and the air nips my skin as we walk to the car. the second I get in the car ,harry begins driving. "someones excited" I smirk. "I am, I am very excited to hear you moaning my name" he says and I feel my panties getting wetter by the second. harry, what are you doing to me.

we arrive at a unfamiliar house. "welcome to my casa" harry smiles before getting out. "did you really call it 'your casa?" I giggle as harry drags me toward the front door, as he is fumbling with his keys I decide to have fun with his venerable state and glide my hand down his toned chest. making him drop the keys 'fuck' he picks it up and finally puts it in the door, unlocking it, and swinging it open. I walk inside and look around. his place his quite modern and very open, in the corner th-

"you thinks is fun messing with me?" harry tilts his head as he walks towards me and I gulp. "not such a big talker now are we?" he smirks. next thing I know im playfully thrown on a big puffy bed in only my underwear, I lift myself and lean on my elbows as harry stares at me. "your so fucking hot" he says. harry is in his underwear. "your not to bad yourself" I smirk as I open my legs for him and he growls "fuck baby, you look so good like that." he crawls inbetween my legs "but you look even better him my face in between you legs " he says and pushes my panties to the side and inserts two of his long slender fingers inside of me. I moan instantly "so wet for my baby" he says while pumping his fingers faster and faster. as he is fingering me he takes my right breast in his hand and pulls on my hardened nipple.

"harry" I moan and grab his curls. I push his face to my core and he smirks before gliding his tongue along my opening. his tongue movies in swirls and patterns and his his fingers pump faster and faster. "harry im close" I moan "cum for me baby, let me taste whats mine" he says and I feel my self come undone. I close my eyes and enjoy my blissful state before opening my eyes again.

"your mine" he growls. "harry " i mumble in denial "im not-" "be my girlfriend?" he cuts me off and my eyes shoot open to look into his green ones "yes i will be your girlfriend." he smiles "under one condition" his smile fades and I crawl closer to him and straddle his lap "I don't want any secrets harry. you need to tell me everything. promise?" I ask "promise" he replies and I crash my lips to his. "your mine" he repeats and this time I nod "all yours" I smile.

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