the woods: part 1

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"you look so pretty kat!" I squeal. "please girl, look at you!" she giggles.

its Friday and im at Kats house busy getting ready for the party. I still haven't spoken to Amy so I don't really know if she is going to go or not. ever since the day at the football field I haven't spoken to harry. he didn't answer my questions so i had to say goodbye.

its been tough, not being able to talk to him, or mess with him. I really do miss him. I cant stop thinking about him either, he is always on my mind and sometimes I catch myself smiling at the thought of him.

I get a weird feeling when I think of him. his memorizing emerald eyes, or his perfectly sculpted mouth.

"maddi!" kat snaps her fingers. dammit, I was thinking of him again.

"sorry what did you say?" I smile at kat and she huffs.

"its time to get our party on" she says while doing a mini dance. im actually not in the party mood anymore, I really just want to eat and watch sad movies, but im all dressed up so might as well go.

kat lives close to the warehouse so I find myself in front of it in 5minutes. I glance over to see the bookstore and a shiver races up my spine as I see it really is run down. there is no more red paint and I cant see through the windows because it is filled with dust.

the music is booming as I enter the big place. multiple couples are lined up against the wall making out and I smile to myself when I see that harry isn't one of those people. he is mine.

the dance floor is crowded, but kat insists we go right in the middle. "Kat!" I yell "im going to get something to drink!" I yell and back out of the crowd of sweaty bodies "get me something as well!" she mouths and I nod.

I wonder if harry Is here. dammit! stop thinking of him ! I wish he could just tell me! I would still love him!

wait- I love him? I love harry! I feel a smile tug on my lips at the realisation. I need to tell him. I look around the crowded room but cant see those familiar green eyes anywhere.

wait, I cant tell him. I need answers first. I need to find Justin. I look around the room in search for his brown eyes but don't succeed. where would he be?

wait, he isn't here -and so isn't amy - and they are both shadow people which means- they are by the woods! yes, gold star maddi. I mentally pat myself on the back and look around one last time before making my way out of the party.

the wind has picked up as I walk down the road. I try and keep some heat from escaping by tightening my jacket around my body. "maddison!" I hear my name and automatically smile.

I turn to see him running towards me with his curly brown hair flowing in the wind. "harry"i smirk "I know, I should stay away from you but I didn't want you grinding up on anyone" he blushes "I wouldn't dream of it" I reply and he looks up. I don't know how to tell him I love him.

"where are you going?" harry questions and I facepalm. im on a mission! I mustn't be distracted. I don't answer him and continue walking.

"maddi?" harry questions as I step into the woods. the leaves and twigs crunch as I step on it, and I get the familiar smell of burning wood. the icey wind hits my cheeks and seeps through my hair as I carry on walking deeper into the woods. my pace quickens as I feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"maddison stop!" harry yells and I start running. I don't know where im running too, but I keep on running. my heartbeat accelerates as I breath in and out and my eyes adjust to the darkness as I dodge trees and shrubs.

I come to an abrupt stop as I come to a spot where the are no shrubs and its light up due to the moonlight seeping through the leaves. I turn to face harry who is looking at me in wonder. "im sorry harry. " I mumble as I turn around.

this is it. im finally going to get answers.

"Justin !" I yell. knowing that he is somewhere in these woods. "maddison you don't know what your getting onto!" harry tries to shush me "no harry, I want to know what Im already in" I say and take a deep breath "Justin!"

the wind has picked up and leaves blow around as I inhale and exhale. I look into the darkness and wait. "I know your here" I whisper into the unknown. "come out!" I shout.

the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I squint my eyes. I see a figure, coming out of the darkness.

"about time you showed up" justins dark voice says. as I see six other shadows form around other trees. Justin steps into the light. "story time" he smirks.

a/n. the shit is going to hit the fan in the next chapter! its going to be intense. please vote and comment and do all that stuff. xx

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