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"So he just got up and told you to leave him alone because.. His dangerous?" Kat asks and I nod and shrug

" I really don't care" I say

"But don't you find it wierd? Like, it's so suspicious, people say he is involved with the wrong people- dangerous people.. Maybe he had something to do with your fathers death" amy says and I start laughing but quickly stop when I find out she is dead serious.

"You can't be serious?" I question

"Well she has a point " Kat says

"Oh please there Is no way Harry is involved in the death of my father, I have to get to class. See you at lunch" I say with more attitude than intended and walk away.

"Morning Maddison " the teacher greets and I walk to my desk and sit down. Then the last bell rings and everyone starts coming In. I sit in the middle of the class and Harry sits right behind me, the chair beside me is open.

Ironically someone decides to take the seat next to me and I look over to see it was justin. I'm fine with justin, I mean, he is cute and super sweat.

"Hey there" I smile at justin

"Hey beautiful "he says and I blush

As justin and I are talking .. More like flirting. Harry walks in and stops as he sees justin and I, his jaw clenches and eyes narrow, I can't help but notice his fist balling by his side. He then takes long strides and stops right in front of justin

"What the fuck do you think your doing!" Harry booms

"I'm sitting and talking to a beautiful girl and you?" Justin asks obviously not threatened at all

"Well I'm just about to beat the shit out of you" Harry says and grabs justin by his shirt

"Harry what the fuck bro" justin says and hits Harry's arm away before standing up

Harry is way taller than justin but justin doesn't seem intimidated at all, he is just standing his ground

"Don't fucking talk to Maddison" Harry yells and continues to say "you don't want me to repeat what happened last time " Harry smirks

"No I don't Harry, that's excatly why I'm doing this! You deserve what your going to get. Your going to get a taste of your own fucking medicine " Justin's yells and shoves Harry

Harry's nostril flare and his chest is heaving up and down rapidly.

"Maddison, come with me." Harry demands

"What ? Are you absurd?" I ask. He must be out of his mind asking me to go with him after what happened on Friday.

"Maddison I'm not going to ask you again. Come with" He demands and I have to admit it's quite threatening

I look over to justin and he is just standing there staring at Harry. Then he storms off to God knows where

Harry sighs and grabs my arm before dragging me off.. We reach his black range rover and he opens the door for me. But I don't get in I just stand there with my arms crossed over my chest glaring at him

"Remind me never to open the door for you ever again" he grumbles and walks to his side of the car and gets in. I let out a sigh and climb in. While harry pulls out of the school parking lot a bunch of thought swirl around my head. What happened between harry and justin. Did Harry kill my father? Why did justin storm off? Who was the six shadows lurking in the woods?

"Harry what the actual fuck?!" I say and look at him

"What did I do wrong now?" He says and I gasp.. Is he mental?

" you tell Me to leave you alone because your dangerous but now you force me to come with you??are you mental? And why did you go off at justin. He was just talking to me!" I say

"Look, Maddison, I would rather what you around me than that low life scum, he is just using you to get back at me " he says and stops at a red light

"Don't talk shit Harold!" I yell

"Woah, you just usedmy full name, you must be pissed" he chuckle and I can't help but let a chuckle excape my lips as well. God dammit! Why does he have to be so charming?!

"You owe me one question still, " I smirk remembering our deal on the cliff

"You have got one question, shoot" he says before pulling over to the side of the road

"Umm, what's up between you and justin?" I ask and immediately regret it because I look over to face him and his eyes are dark and his gripping the steering wheel so hard that you can see his knuckles turn white.

He takes a deep breath and begins to speak..

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now