I've seen them before.

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I turn around to see a smirking Harry. Agh.

I quietly open the letter so the teacher doesn't catch me and I read it.

Harry : didn't know you were afraid of heights.

I sigh and scribble down a reply and crumble it up in a ball and chuck it back to him.

-here is how the note went-

Maddi: well, I am. Bye

Harry: sorry love, now i know for next time

Maddi: there won't be a next time.

Harry: and why is that?

Maddi: because I'm sure my boyfriend wouldn't like that

Before I give him the letter I think carefully, I know I shouldn't lie but I want to see if he gets jealous or not.. Ahh, whatever I think to myself and chuck the letter to him.

I smirk to myself when I read his reply

Harry: who the fuck are you going out with Maddison

I simple reply with justin and wait for him to respond. But to my surprise he doesn't, instead he gets up and storms out the classroom.. It seems as if he has done this before because no one seems to care, the teacher just carried on with her lesson..


"Hey" I sigh and sit down at the table for break. Everyone mumbles a hello and carries on with their convosation..

"I think it was murder honestly" kat says and it catches my attention.

"No kat, she was surrounded with pills.. She obviously committed suicide." Amy says and pops a cucumber slice in her mouth.

"She never even looked unhappy though! Plus she had no reason to.. To.. Kill herself.." Kat mumbles the last part and now I have to interject.

"Wait, hold up, what is going on?" I ask and both of them gasp and stare at me in aware..

Amy begins to speak "I can't believe you haven't heard! Mrs petters was found in her house surrounded by a bunch of pills I think she killed herself but rumor has it that she was murdered by the shadow people.." She whispered

"Who is the shadow people?" I ask and the both gasp again.

"Oh my god Maddison!! Has no one told you about them!? " kat asks and I shake my head

Kat sighs and begins her explanation "the shadow people are the most feared people in our town!! People say there's is seven of them but no one has seen them, the reason we call them shadow people is because there has been many reported sightings of people seeing seven shadows in the woods. But everyone that has said that has either gone missing our has committed suicide.. " oh, I'm am completely flabbergasted!

" I have seen them before and I went into the woods "I exclaim

"Maddi! Are you mad, why on earth would you go into the woods!! " amy says and I shush her. I want to keep this between us.

I decide against telling them that Harry told my there.. Wait, why on earth would harry take me there if he knew about the shadow people! Unless.. No It couldn't be. I mentally laugh at myself at thinking that Harry was a shadow person.

"Maddi, please listen to me now, don't ever go into the woods again.. " amy says and I nod.

"Maddison, could I speak to you for a second and I turn around to find a rather dashing justin.

I turn back to ask amy and kat but they are to involved in their conversationso I get up and follow justin, he leads me outside to the bleachers.

"Hey " I smile and he smiles back making my knees go weak.

"So I ran into Harry today," he looks at me and smirks " and he said some rather interesting things" he says.. No, no, no , no don't say it don't say it "he said that a little birdie told him that we are a couple" and... He said it , I sigh.

"This is so embarrassing " I laugh "you see, he asked me -" I try to explain myself but justin cuts me off

"It fine Maddison, really. I don't mind being your 'girlfriend' as long as I can get a kiss for keeping up your little lie.." He wiggles his eyebrows and I laugh at his adorableness

"Excuse me mr. Bieber that is black mailing!" I say and he chuckles and whines "please"

I lean in and give him a slow kiss on his cheek and say "that's all for now, but wait till our little date" I say while whispering into his ear. I see his Adam's apple bob up and down when he gulps. Hmm, mission accomplished I smirk to myself.

The bell rings and I sigh, I was soppost to copy Amy's English homework at break! Agh.

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