hello rachel..

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"oh look, the new girl over here thinks she can stand up for her poor little friends" rachel says with a fake chuckle..

"ha, rachel babe, i know i can stand up for my friends, dont test me and leave my friend alone!" i snarled.

rachels eyes went wide for a second before they turned into slits "listen here- um mathew or what ever your name might be, i am the leader of this school so dont get on my bad side or i swear to god i will make everyday a struggle for you and your friends!" she smirked

thats when i saw red, thats it i have had enough of this girls bullshit! "first of all its maddi, learn it now because im not going anywhere! secondly, dont you ever, ever threaten my friends or-god help me- i will hit that fake tan right off you! " i could feel my cheeks going red, not because i was embarressed but because i was furious! 

before i knew it i felt a stinging sensation in my cheek, did she just hit me?! I turned my head back to look at the little bitch, I glared at her and before she could flip her beech blonde hair over her shoulder I was on top of her,I grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled it as hard as I could.

"Get off me bitch" Rachel squealed

"Make me" I spat, but I suddenly felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and lifting me off rachel, and carrying out of the lunchroom.. as i was being carried i looked around and realised that there was a group around us.. and everyone was staring at me and.. wait, who the hell is carrying me out of the lunchroom!!

"who the hell are you!" i said kicking the air

i heard a deap chuckle and the next thing i new i was sitting on a bench in the garden of the school.. i quickly glared at this mystery person.. i felt my jaw drop when i realised it was the guy from the ally! wow, he was gorgeous!

"um, im harry" his low voice spoke, then he smiled the biggest smile i have ever seen.. he looked so innocent..

"why would you pull me away from that bitch! she deserves a taste of her own medicine!" i asked getting straight to the point.

"i know dont worry, she will get what is coming to her. but by you hurting her makes you no better than she is..right? " harrys words surprised me.. who knew he was so full of knowlegde?

"i, i guess your right.. thank you for the help harry, oh and im maddison but everyone calls me maddi" i returned his big smile that he gave me when he introduced himself. causing him to chuckle

"you have a nice smile, maddison" he spoke, the way my name rolled of his tongue sent shivers up and own my spine.

"you too.. harry" i said his name super low causing him to laugh

"i do not sound like that!" he protested while laughing, he has a beautiful laugh and a perfect set of dimples engraved in his cheeks.

"i really dont understand why so many people dont like you.. you are so down to earth" i said while smiling at him.

but in that second his eyes changed from happy to dark.

"woah, dont get me wrong babe..i didnt help you back there, i just didnt want you to fuck up rachel. if you had to hurt her she wouldnt let me fuck her.. and i like it hard" he smirked and right there is when he messed up this entire moment between us.

 "i dont believe it, i dont believe your a bad person harry, your hiding.. your just a scared boy" i said making his eyes grow wide. and i continued by leaning close to his ear and whispering "and i like it hard to." with that being said i got up and walked away, just before i was going to turn the corner i looked back and gave harry a little wave.

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