trig ratios

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"all you have to learn is soh cah toa. then you will know your trig ratios. easy." harry smiles while lifting himself of his back onto his elbows to look at me.

"ok so, sin is opposite over hyp, cos is adjacent over hyp, and tan is..." I forgot.. dammit.  "toa" harry mumbles   "oh! tan is opposite over adjacent!" I beam. harry lifts his hand to give me a high five. "told you I can teach you." he smirks "I can also teach you other things.." he wiggles his eyebrows and I playfully swot his arm.

I looks around and see all the white butterflies flutter around, its so cliché im surprised Bambie hasn't come out of the bushes to have a butterfly land on his nose.  

in the corner of my eyes I see harry watching me. "take a picture, it will last longer" I smirk and turn to face him. harry shrugs and picks up his phone. "no no no" but before I could look away I heard the familiar sound of a camera going off. "I was joking! delete it" I pout and cross my arms.

"nope" harry copies me and crosses his arms. I cant resist, so I lean over and press my lips to harrys lips. its just a simple kiss. "what was that? " he smirks "your cute when you pout" I smile.

"well then," harry pouts again and I giggle as I lean over to give him another kiss. but as I lean over harry snakes his hand around my back and pulls me over him so I am straddling his waist. harry deepens the kiss and I blush as  i feel his member growing hard through his jeans.

my one hand tangles in his curls and my other is around his neck. I tug on his curls and he lets out a raspy moan, I smile through the kiss and lower my self on his crotch making him moan some more. I slowly start rocking my hips and break our kiss to start kissing his neck. a deep growl erupts from his throat "maddi" he mumbles making me fangirl on the inside. he moaned my name!

i stop what I am doing and start unbuckling his jeans, as I am fiddling with the button he crashes our lips together. the kiss is aggressive and filled with lust. I break the kiss and tug his jeans down.  damn boy, how does he put them on in the mornings! they are so tight. so with all my strength I pull harrys  jeans down.

I hook my fingers in the band of his underwear and tug it down. oh my chocolate rainbow skittles, his member is massive. I wrap my hand around him and start pumping up and down his shaft. harry growls before mumbling 'fuck'. whenever he moans it gives me a confidence boost. I see his precum, so i bend my head further down and lick the tip of his shaft, he sucks in his breath before rolling his head back.

I slowly wrap my mouth around his member and start bobbing my head. "fuck, maddi, you look so good with your innocent little mouth wrapped around me, and only me. " he says deeply. I flick my eyes to meet his and start going deeper. his member hits the back of my throat almost making me gag. my eyes tear up as his member hits the back of my throat a couple more times "maddi, im gonna cum baby" he moans and seconds later he growls and throws his head back. I feel him twitch and I feel liquid hit the back of my throat. "shallow it baby. " he mumbles with his eyes closed and I quickly shallow."

harry pulls my his underwear and jeans- how did he get his jeans up so fast- and lays down on his back. I quickly move to his side and wrap my arm around his chest, he immediately moves his arm to my side. I love this feeling, the feeling of belonging. us lying here, not saying a word but just being together is amazing. 

I move my face to look at him and place a kiss on his jaw. its perfect.

after a couple of minutes of us laying in each others company harry decides to speak up. "that was the best head anyone has every given my babe." I blush and mumble 'stop lying' he chuckles and tightens his grip on me. "im not. your the best, not even Rachel was as good as you" he says and I mentally pat myself on the back. he presses his lips against my forehead and I sigh.

"what is the trig ratio of tan?" he smirks.

"opposite over adjacent " I giggle and he nods "good girl"             

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