goodbye kiss

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"maddi, for the school holidays-" "wait when are school holidays?" I cut my mom off "at the end of the week?" she says "don't talk shit" I smile "language!" she yells "sorry " I stand up and hug her. " I can not believe school holidays are so close" I yell and start dancing. "my daughter is crazy" my mom shakes her head and walks upstairs "your going to be late for school" she yells and I grab my back pack and head to school.

its Tuesday today so I only have three more days of school. I skip to school with a massive smile on my face.

"Katharine! " I yell "would you please stop calling my by my full name!" she laughs . "why are you so happy?" "I just found out about the school holidays!" I laugh. I am in a good mood. "yeah, are you going to the party on Friday?" niall says and sits beside me. "no, where is it?" I say and steal a chip from niall.

"by the warehouse, opposite the run down bookstore on 5th avenue" kat says and I choke on the chip. "wha-what? its not run down." I say and take a sip of kats water. "yeah, it is. mr stevens-the owner of the book store- burnt it down when his wife died a couple years back" niall says.

I pale. it feels like all the oxygen was knocked out of me. i quickly stand up and walk to the field to get fresh air. a couple kids knock into me but I don't care at the moment. I just need air.

when I am at my destination I take a deep breath. im going crazy- its the only explanation. or maybe it was a dream.. "heresy" I voice speaks and I don't flinch. I simply turn my head. harry stands next to me with his hands in his pocket "what?" I ask. "heresy" he repeats and looks at me "the sixth circle"

"punishment of heresy is the sinner is condemned to an eternity in flaming tombs" he says and looks ahead again. "how did you know I knew about the other three?" I ask.

"im friends with ms stevens." he says casually. "how?" I ask. "we are from the same place" he smirks.

"I didn't get my goodbye kiss yesterday" harry says.

"fuck harry, whats the matter with yo-" harry cuts me off by aggressively smashing his lips to mine, the abruptly pulling back. "its a simple fucking kiss maddison, you always kiss me goodbye. understood?" "no har-" "understood!" he yells. I have never seen harry so violent and uncalm. "understood." I mumble.

"good." he smirks. "I missed you yesterday "he says and turns to face me. no matter how hard I try and deny it. I missed him so much yesterday, "I missed you to" I smile and cuddle up to his chest. he wraps his strong arms around me and once again, I feel safe.

a/n short chapter, im not going to update until my story gets up to 900 reads. we are starting to get the plot, so its gonna get really interesting soon. yeah yeah yeah!

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