death trap

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seven oclock rolls around and I find myself staring at my reflection.  harry said casual. so i guess my outfit is as casual as it gets. im wearing a pair of blue jeans and white sweater with brown boots. I just put powder on my cheeks and mascara on my eyelashes.. obviously. oh, and since my lips are small I made them look bigger, amy taught me the trick.


I don't understand her. how could she just forget about what happened in the woods. maybe she just doesn't want to believe it, I guess im just happy that she is happy.

"hunny, there is a boy here for you. oh! you look lovely dear" my mother gasps and I smile.

"thanks mum, I will be back later. love you"

"love you" she says as I walk out the door.

harry is leaning against his car with his arms crossed as I walk up to him. "hey, are you alright" I ask awkwardly

"yeah" he deadpans and walks to the other side of the car. this is going to be a long night. I get into the car and sigh.

we have been driving in uncomfortable silence for 15 minutes now and im bored as hell. I can sense harry is trying to say something but he isn't. I sigh and lean  my head against the window. harry lets out a huff and fiddles with the radio until i hear I familiar tune start playing.

i look over at harry and watch as he starts belting out the lyrics to 'break free'. its adorable how he remembered this song. harry is still singing loudly when I join him equally as loud. as it gets to the chorus he confidently sings the wrong word and I burst into a fit of laughter. harry turns down the music as blush creeps onto his cheeks.

"im a man! I shouldn't have known the words anyway" he defends as my laughter fades away. "where are we going?" I ask looking around.

"the woods" he says and I pale, not again."kidding" he chuckles and I sigh "that was not funny. "

five minutes later we arrive at our final destination. a dusty old road? harry sees my confused expression and explains "its not a long walk, I just didn't want to get my car dirty." he smirks and I mutter 'what a gentlemen ' under my breath

in the distance I faintly see a figure , its quite big but I cant seem to put my finger on it  just yet. as we approach it I realise what it is and quite frankly I would rather go to the woods at midnight than be here. before me is a massive obstacle, it looks like the thing circus performers use when they practise jumping through the air or tight rope walkers. below the obstacle is a massive brown net.

"maddi ?" harry snaps me back to reality and I gulp

"never in a million years, no way." I shake my head.

"maddi, I know your afraid of heights. but sometimes you need to face your fears. you cant run forever. and just like this net right here" he points to the net "I will catch you when you fall" he looks at me while holding his hand out.

"I cant, I mean, I-I- I will fall, or , die, or-" "you can do this. your brave" harry cuts me off still holding his hands out. slowly, I put my hands in his and he pulls me towards the death trap. there is a long ladder stairs leading to a small wooden platform. "do you want to go first or me?" harry asks and I motion for him too go.

finally we reach the top and I wrap myself around the metal pole. "Maddi, take my hand" harry whispers and I slowly peel open my eyelids and look directly into harrys eyes, for a moment everything melting away. we weren't on top of a metal death trap, I wasn't on a unstable wooden platform in the air. i was with harry, his beautiful eyes were calming all my nerves,i cant believe he would do this for me- to help me concur my fears.

"maddi, your doing it" harry whispers and I get sucked into the present, I gasp as I realise im holding onto a rusty old pole that swings to the other side. I cant do this- no, I will do this for harry.

"okay, im ready"  I take a deep breath  before lifting my feet. the wind pushes through my  hair as I squeal. "im going to die" I shout and I sway back and forth. before harry catches me and pulls me back onto the surface.

'OH MYGOD! I was flying! that was amazing harry, you have try it!" I exclaim.

'DO it with me" he smirks before quickly swinging to the other side. what?

"when I say jump, you jump" he shouts "are you mental!" I reply

"yes" he smiles and grabs the bar. he jumps and sits on the top of the bar  then as the bar I moving towards me, he flips upside down and yells 'jump'. I quickly jump and two strong arms grab onto my wrists. "this is amazing" I laugh and look up to meet harrys eyes. "your amazing" he smiles.

i kick my legs around while laughing. "maddi, im going to drop you now, just to show you its okay to fall" harry says. "no no no" I gasp but 2 seconds later i find myself plummeting to the floor, this is it, im going to die. 

i hit the net with so much force I get sent flying upwards again before finally settling. I think im in shock. I lay on the net for a while before I burst in a fit of laughter. i did it. seconds later harry fall onto the net making me bounce abit

I hadn't realised that dusk has rolled around and a few stars are visible as harry and I lay side by side.

screw it.

I roll over until im on top of harry. I crash my lips on his soft ones.  soon harry flipped us over so he is ontop.

harry peppers kissed down my neck as he mumbles "im going to make you feel so good baby" causing me to let out a soft moan. finally.  

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