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"ready for our date?" justin asks as he walks up to me. i have to admit, he is cute. and his voice is so deep and raspy.

"yep." i simply reply popping the p, i contine to say "where are we going away?"

we reach justins car and we both jump in then he replies "hmm,the woods" he says and shifts his eyes to check the rear view mirror then back ahead of him

my pulse quickens at his statement, should he know about the shadow people?

"um, i dont really want to go to the woods" i say uncomfortably.. and he chuckles.

"please dont tell me you believe in the shadow people.. maddison, its a stupid legend"

i roll my eyes and look over to justin "i do not belive in them..i just , i dont like the woods.."

"i will make you love the woods,maddi" justin smirks and i gulp..

buildings pass, and seconds drag into minutes and slowly the buildings turn into bushes and gravel.. i look ahead and see the road dissapear into the woods.. well, i mean, i shouldnt really be worried because i have been in the woods twice and nothing has happened. so what is the third going to do?

as i am getting lost in thoughts my phone vibrates and i see that the number is private.. wierd. i swipe my finger across the screen and check out the message.

'dont go into the woods ' i feel my pulse quicken as i read and reread the five words over and over again. "whats wrong? you look like you have just seen a ghost" justin says and i try to reply but my mouth has just gone dry.. "i, i, i thought i saw a- a monkey. or something" i tell him. and i hope he buys my little white lie..

it seems he has because he chuckles and replies saying "well, it is the woods" i mutter a fake laugh and continue staring off into the woods until finally the car comes to a halt and i look around.. this isnt where harry took me. it makes me feel nervous because there is something off about justin.

the smell of old wood invades my nostrils and its oddly fimiliar, i think i have smelt it before? but on who? i push that thought to the back of my mind and start walking listening to the crunches of the leaves and twigs on the bottem of my old white all-stars. we walk further and further into the unknown and not a word is being spoken until justin finally speaks up

"your crazy" he says and the corners of his mouth turn upwards "what?" i say and he continues "i cant believe you actually let me take you so far into the woods, i bet you dont even know my last name! and to make it worse you know all about the shadow people" he says and stops to look at me.

there is a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach but i try to ignore it "you said it was just a legend" i say which caused him to laugh but it wasnt his normal laugh, it was almost as if it was evil. his laugh got louder and louder and his eyes closed.. the nervous feeling in my stomach seems to grow bigger and bigger and i realise how dark it has gotten since he left the car, how far did we walk? I must have gotten lost in my thoughts.

a movement in the bush causes me to snap my head towards that direction, yet there was nothing there.. my mind it playing tricks on me. "justin stop"  i say to the laughing boy infront of me. then all of a sudden he stops and everything goes quiet, he takes a deep breath through his nose and starts to shake.

"you cant stop what has all ready began" justin says but it doesnt sound like him, it sounds deep and like it has no sympathy.. i back away and mumble "justin, this isnt funny"

"it isnt funny, its fucking halarious " and with each word his voice gets deeper and louder. the wind has picked up and leaves twirl around us as the trees bang agaisnt each other, then i advert my attention to the moving objects behind justin.

'oh my god'i mumble to myself as my heart rate races.

justins head snaps and tilts then he opens his eyes to reveal his black orbs which were once the cutest of browns, and his adorable smile turns into a deadly smirk "babe, " the voice begins "dont bring god into this" he shout as the black objects from the shadows crawl closer and closer.

i turn on the balls of my feet and sprint to god knows where, shit i should have paid attention when we were walking. as i am sprinting i hear a series of different laughs coming closer and closer behind me, my breathing increases and  it feels as if my body is on fire. i honestly dont know where my feet are taking me but hopefully its out of these woods. the laughter is getting louder and louder as i try and glance behind me, which causes my hair to flip infront of me.

"you cant run forever" i hear someone whisper in my ear and turn around. i gasp as i look at the sight before me. five shadows have stopped infront of me and are just standing there, not moving a muscle, some of them are lurking behind trees and some are in the bushes, and the scariest part is justin. he is standing in the middle of them with his head tilted and his black eyes have leaked out. black tears run across his face and his whole body is shaking.

i dont know wether to run are just to stay there. my phone vibrates in my pocket and i stare and justins reaction. he doesnt seem fased. its as if someone has paused this whole seen so i quickly pull out my phone and check the message from the unknown number "maddison, run 3 minutes north and 2 minutes west. listen to me if you want to live." should i listen to the message? agh what do i have to loose right?

i take one glance at justin before running out, ok three minutes. i just have to stay ahead of them for a few minutes and hopefully i will be save, i run as fast as my legs could take me while dodging tree roots and tree stumps. i hear the faint laughter getting louder yet i still sprint. i swifty turn west and continue sprinting seconds melt into minutes as i hear the laughing coming closer and closer.. 'you cant excape' someone whispers in my ear and i sprint even faster.

up head i see a bunch of shrubs and bushes, did i take the wrong way? its a dead end.

i keep sprinting and decide to try and run through the bushes. i can hear the laugher catching up to me as i finally take my last stride into the bush and surprisingly enough i make it through the bushes and realise than im by the cliff. i knew it, this was trap! tears start to stream down my face as i look around. this cant be it.

just as all hope was lost a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and spin my around. a hand cups my mouth before i scream and i look up to see those captivating green eyes. harry.

"maddison," his words were rushed "i know you are afraid of heights, but you are going to have to trust me." he said looking deep into my soul.

for a moment i get lost in his dazzeling eyes, but  i snap back into the situation we are in and nod and say "i trust you"

we jog up to the egde of the cliff, and a movement catching me eyes, justin is standing there shaking like never before, his head is twitching from side to side and he starts growling.

"harry-harry i cant" i say as i stare at justin then the ice cold water below. this is it, im gong to die.

just as another tear falls down my face harry swipes it away with the pads of his thumbs, then takes my chin inbetween his and leans forward "i will never let anything hurt you maddison" he whispers before pressing his lips against mine. our  lips mold together as he holds me closer towards his body,then slowly he tilts us of the cliff.

the air is cold as we fall, but harry has me tight in his hold.

just before we hit the surface i hear and blood curling scream, from something inhuman and look up to find six shadow people staring at us on thier hand and knees.

we hit the water and the coldness engulfs my body. it feels as if my body is being sucked down into the myseries of the sea, until i feel a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me to the surface of this icey cold nightmare. 

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now