I hate you

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"Your joking." I say, but it sounds more like a question.

"Nope" he states and starts taking of his boots "well, you coming or not?" He asks and turns to face me.

"No,no absolutely not. Never. No" I say as fast as I could while shaking my head.harry raises one eye brow and looks at me then walks up to me and grabs my arm and drags me up to the edge of the cliff.

"Harry, Harry stop this isn't funny "I say and try to wiggle out of his strong grip

Harry just laughs and pushes me further off the cliff, if he wasn't holding on to me I would be tumbling to the ice cold water below. My heart is beating rapidly and my eyes start to water.

"Th-this is not funny" I stutter and a tear slips out off my eye. Harry's smile fades but he still doesn't move "why are you crying?" He asks

I can't believe he still has me over this edge! "Harry, pull me back to the ground now!" I say and he pretends to let go of me and starts to laugh. I feel so powerless. Suddenly I feel more tears roll down my cheeks and finally harry pulls me to safety. I immediately push him making him stumble abit and he looks shocked. "Whats wrong with you now?" He asks and my temperature rises..

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you! I'm fucking scared of heights! You just did that Against my will you bitch! I hate you! " I say and I notice his face turns from angry to sympathetic. Not Harry doesn't feel sympothy he is a monster! I turn and walk away not looking back. I honestly just want to get home and take a bath.


School really sucks.. I walk into school and everyone is watching me. Wierd.

"Hey maddi, look I'm sorry for walking off like that " justin says in one breath. I shrug and mumble that it's alright.

"No, really, I am sorry I was wondering if maybe we could hang out or something.. After school?" He asks and smiles. His smile isn't as cute as Harry's but it's definitely sexy.

"Um, yeah, sure. It would be fun" I say and smile back at him.

"Hey girlie!" Amy yells and makes her way over to justin and I "hey there amz." I giggle and justin scratches the back of his neck and nods. "Well, I better get going nice seeing you maddi. Bye amy" he states and turns around and walks away.

" so I was thinking that Kat, you and I, could go catch a movie or something after school " amy asks and I shake my head " sorry babes, I have gotta date after school, maybe tomorrow ?" I say and she squeals. "Oh my god Maddison!! You have got a date and you didn't tell me about it!! With who?!" She shouts and I shush her before speaking "um, I have got a date with justin " I smile

"Wait, it's not justin Abraham? That wierd kid that eats glue?" She asks making me laugh.

"No,dumbass, justin bieber!" I exclaim

"No way!! He never dates, he usually just fucks you and dumbs you!!good for you maddi!! " amy says before continuing to ask where kat is. "I don't know " I shrug "your hopeless !" She jokingly says before hooking our arms and heading off to class.

I take my usual seat and Harry sits behind me, but I don't care.. I hate him.

'Keep telling your self that' my subconscious says and I sigh.

"alright class today we will be starting.." Teacher teacher began to say until I lost focus, I swear she is soppost to be dead in a hole!! I got lost in my thoughts before a neatly folded piece of paper bounced off my head and landed on the table.

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