party and bullshit

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"bye mom, love you!" i shouted before closing the door and getting into amys car. its friday and we have been invited to justins party. apparently he is dying to meet me and according to amy he is hot!

"oh my, maddi! justin is going to be all over you tonight!" amy gawked and i laughed..i was wearing a tight red dress that hugged all my curves perfectly and black high heals. "look at you amy! you gonna get some tonight!" i laughed and she went as red as a tomato!

we arrived at the party and smoke filled my nostrils, i absolutely hate smoking!

a red cup filled with coke and vodka was shoved into my hand as soon as we entered to house. the music was pumping so loudly i could hardly hear amy telling me that she was going to get a drink.. partying isnt really my scene but its time to relax and just let go, so i moved into the crowd of people grinding on eachother and started dancing.

i felt a pair of hands grab my waist and pull my ass against his manhood..

"hmm, i have been wanting to meet you" the stranger said into my air.. his voice wasnt as deep as harrys but its was still pretty sexy.. i just giggled and looked around the crowded room when my eyes locked with harrys green ones.. but he wasnt smirking like usual. his jaw was locked and he was glaring at the guy behind me.. is he.. is he jealous? well, lets have some fun them..

the song candy shop came on and i started swaying my hips faster and harder on his madhood making him groan and his hold on me tightened.. i started gong lower then flicked my hair as i rose up.. i glanced at harry and licked my lips will watching him.. i then winked at him before turning around and crashing my lips on the strangers lips, he was surprised at first but quickly recovered and started kissing me back, he slid his tongue into my mouth as my hands started to glide down his toned body tracing his ab lines.. we pulled away gasping for air..

"well, nice to meet you to" the stranger chuckled and i was blown away, he had browny-blonde hair styled up into a quiff and beautiful brown eyes.. dont even get me started on his body..

"im maddi.." i replied giggling

"i know, im justin.." so this is the guy amy was talking about.. he is hot..

"well, i need to get going but i would love it if i got your number.." justin asked he looked abit shy too, he is way to adorable!

after exchanging numbers and saying our good byes i found myself on the next level of the house trying to find the bathroom..

i looked ahead of me and saw a balcony, so i stepped outside so i could take in the view, it was beautiful, there was a light breeze and you could still hear the vibration of the base from the party..

i let out a little sigh as i leaned over the edge.. everything seemed perfect in the moment, until i was pushed up against the wall.

"i know you were trying to make me jealous maddison," he whispered into the crook of my neck.. one one person could say my name so perfectly- harry

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