I live in the valley

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"Well.. Um, it started.." Harry stops and looks at me, then he sighs. "Look maddi, I umm.." He stops again, I have never seen him so nervous and unsure of himself.

"I don't have to tell you this. Can't you ask me to do anything else?" He pleaded.

It takes a couple of minutes for me too reply because I'm thinking about all the different things I can ask mr. Styles to do. Then I think of the most perfect I idea and smirk.

"Oh no.." He mumbles

"Oh yes" I smirk

"You have to take me somewhere fun today, Show me around and you have to be pleasant to be around. " i say and he sighs then he turns to face the window on his side of the car and zaps around to show me the biggest, fakest smile in the world causing me to burst out laughing.

"This is going to like, be sooo much fun!!" He shrieks "like, Oh my god, I live in the valley !" He says sounding super American.

"Stop stop this is too much !" I say I between laughter

"Okay, well.. Let's see. Are you hungry?" Harry asks and I shrug. "I honestly feel like an ice cream" I say and Harry rolled his eyes "kaaay c'mon lets goo " he says in the same American accent as earlier.


"No way! Your favorite movie is titanic?" I ask and he smiles

"I normally say it's fight club so I seem manly " he says

"Well, I love it!! " I say giggling

We are currently sitting in Harry's car - he is driving me somewhere but he won't tell me where- and we are eating our ice cream while getting to know each other, he is actually super funny!

"Yea, my sister -" Harry begins but I cut him off with my screaming making him swerve a little bit off the road

"Maddison!" He yells

"Oh my god!!!" I yell and turn up the volume to his Radio.

The fimiliar tune echoes through his Range Rover and he sighs and laughs while I dance to the song. "I can't believe you like this!??!" He yells over the booming music

"Of coarse I do! Sing with me please! Then I will do anything you want me too, not sexually though " I smile and he takes a moment to consider it " hurry! The Chorus is coming up" I say impatiently.

"Ahhhh, this stays between us" he says and I do a happy dance.

Soon enough we dancing to this catchy song until the chorus come and we both belt out the words terribly

"this is.. The part when I say I don't want you, I'm stronger than I've been before... This is the part were I break free cause I can't resist it no more!!!" We sing together then start laughing, Harry has got the best laugh in the world.

"You must be the worst singer in the world!" He jokey says and I start laughing

" well, you not the best singer either mr.'I love titanic' " I say and he laugh again before the car comes to a halt.

I begin to get out of the car but he stops me " wait, I want to open the door for you.." He pouts and I raise my hands in surrender. He then smiles and runs around to my side and kneels down and dramatically opens the door..

I chuckle and say "thank thay " In my best english accent

"Where are we.?" I ask and look around ,we are by the wood again, what is with this guy and the woods?

"Can't you remember? " He asks and grabs my arm to pull me further and further into the woods, and soon enough we are at the cliff..

"Do you have a name for this place?" I ask and he nods

"Oldcreek cliff" he smiles

" so why did you decide to bring me here?" I ask and he walks closer to me, he stops right in front of me and smiles

" you still need to do something for me.." He smiles.. Oh yeah, from the car.. Ahh, face palm!!

"What is it styles." I ask

" your going to jump off this cliff with me"

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now