nine circles

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'nine circles...nine circles...nine circles..'  the voice spoke. I was in a room. I couldn't see anything all I could do was hear. 'nine circles' the voice repeated. it sounded like it was getting closer.' nine circles'  it repeated. I heard scratches on the wall and shrieking from another room. 'nine circles' the voice whispers in my ear and I shriek.

I jolt up in my bed as sweat drips of my head. nine circles? I switch on the light and throw my legs of the edge  on my bed and sit with my hands on my face.  I decide to take a warm bubble bath. hmmm, yea that sounds like a plan.

in the bath I can hear the soft pitter-patter of the rain hitting the window. I take a deep breath and sink into the warm bath. I lie at the bottom of the bath listening to my own heartbeat thump in my chest. I slowly rise and begin washing my hair. I wonder what nine circles mean?

one hour later I find myself under the big willow tree in my garden, with my laptop infront of me. I type 'nine circles' into my search engine and I get many results.

nine circles to a better relationship

nope, I don't think that's what the dream meant. i keep scrolling down until something catches my eye.

'the nine circles of hell' 

Just as I am about to click on the link my laptop flings of my lap and flies to the other side of lawn. the hairs on the back of my head stand up and Goosebumps rise on my skin as I hear growling, my eyes automatically follow the sound and stops on a dark figure.

the figure is shaking and its head it twitching. I think  im in shock. I cant move. I see the figure lurk around the tree and inches forward. the world becomes black just like my dream and all I can do it hear. im frozen.

I feel a cold hand press onto my cheek, and then it leans down and whispers into my ear.

' you have got everything mixed up. don't believe styles. he is feeding you lies '

then in the blink of an eye, I can see again. I run to get my laptop then make my way to the house.

"hunny, did you hear about the police officer that was murdered?" my mom says while doing the dishes. my breath hitches and I shake my head.

"apparently he was found in the middle of no where by the old obstacle course." I need to sit down, my legs start to shake. it cant be, it cant be the same one- who am I kidding?  of coarse its the same one. I need answers!

I run to my room and grabs my phone.

'we need to talk'  I type

'I know'  he replies.  

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now