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the wind whips through my hair as I sit down. I wonder if it was a good idea to meet with him.. he still gives me the creeps.

"maddi,"I jump in fright  and he chuckles "sorry you kind of zoned out" his dak voice says

"its okay, Justin" I reply. "i need answers." I get straight to the point "you are a shadow person, obviously " he chuckles

"yeah, I am."

"so I need you to answer one simple question." I take a deep breath "why are you a shadow person.. like, how ?" I turn to face Justin.

"look, babe," i cringe "all I will tell you, is you have got everything wrong. your little boyfriend isn't the innocent one. we are" he smiles

I laugh, a real laugh. not a giggle a laugh. justins eyes darken. "so your telling me that you, someone who has killed many innocent people, touched my friend and forced me to jump of a cliff , is innocent?" I raise my eyebrow.

"we never killed anyone. we never forced you to jump of a cliff- we were just trying to get harry to come to the woods. and your friend shoundnt have come to the woods, we have tried to warn her off, but she always comes back. so we had to scare her off." he slumps into his chair.

"then who killed everyone? and why are there shadow people?" I ask. none of this is adding up. justin stands up and turns to face me. "we are here to protect people from - a sinner." he walks away.  


"have you done your maths homework?" I ask amy. "yeah"  she replies and passes me her book. I should really start doing my homework. but trigonometry is killing me, what is this 'tan, cos, sin' shit. im never going to pass high school.

"thanks " I mumble as I hand amy her book back. "how are you?" I ask.

"good" she replies uninterested. she is on her phone so I decide to go put some books in my locker.

I slam my locker shut and turn to face harry. he wants me to bunk school with him. "never. I don't understand trig as it is" I sigh

"I will teach you. im good at trig." he puffs up his chest and smiles.

"ugh, fine" yolo right?

he takes my head and leads me away from the school. my hero.

"I was thinking of a picnic " he smiles as I sit in his car.

"where are we gonna get a blanket and what not" I groan.

"turn around" I do as he says and see he had everything needed for a picnic. he planned this. bastard.

we stop across a field filled with flowers and butterflies. how cliché. "how harry, I didn't think you were romantic" I chuckle.

"im not, so don't get used to it." he smirks as  he jumps out of the car and gets the blanket and basket from the back. its a warm day. not to hot and not to cold. its perfect picnic weather.

"I think this is the perfect picnic spot " I say and point to a patch covered by trees but the is still sunlight seeping through the leaves. "whatever you want babe" he smirks and places the blanket down. I put the basket down and notice harry is lying over the whole blanket.

.I quickly jump on top of him. "hey! its not my fault you didn't bring your own blanket" he chuckles and I swot his arm. "well, im quite comfortable here so.." I motion to me sitting on top of him. "don't get to comfortable."

before I can process what is going on I notice he has flipped us. hary being the dominant one. he then proceeds to tickle me. "no" I shriek "I will kick you. I sware.' I laugh as tears roll down my cheeks.

"your so beautiful when you laugh" harry whispers. I immediately blush making him chuckle and lean in to kiss me. I meet his lips in a slow but passionate kiss. my stomach erupts in butterflies. harrys hands move to meet my cheeks and my hands are on his chest. its a perfect kiss.

harry and I pull away from one another, a blissful smile is on both of our faces as our foreheads touch. "I really like you"  harry blurts and closes his eyes. 

I giggle "I like you to" I say and he opens his eyes "really?" "yeah" I blush.      

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now