"cool mom"

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"favourite meal?" harry asks "chicken nuggets " i reply. harry scoffs "so you mean to tell me, that if you could only eat one type of food. it would be chicken nuggets." he raises his eyebrows. "damn straight " I smile.

the whole weekend consisted of harry and I bonding, no interruptions, just us. I have learnt a lot about harry, what he likes and dislikes. I even found out he can sing, but he hasn't sung for me yet. its a working progress. I feel like I know so much about him, yet I know so little. I can see, behind those beautiful green eyes, that he is hiding something from me.

"I think its time for me to go home" I sigh. "nooo" harry whines and flops on the couch. "yesss" I whine back and pull his arm. "stay, we can run away together and join a circus!" he says seriously before smiling "come on haz" I smile and walk towards the door.


I watch the passing scenery and listen to the soft sound of harrys car engine. I wish it wasn't Monday tomorrow, so I could spend more time with harry, but unfortunately, duty calls.  "could you tell me about 'circle two'?" i look over to him. im not nervous around him anymore.

"maddi, its really not something I want you involved in." he sighs. "its just information harry, its not like its real." I smile and put my hand on his thigh. "fine" he huffs.

"second circle of hell is LUST. its for rapists and people who are consumed with lust, like pediofiles. their punishment is that they are thrown around by gushing winds for the rest of eternity, preventing them from finding rest or peace. "he shrugs and stops the car. I hadn't realised we were outside my house.

"this weekend was really nice" I blush. "your adorable when you blush." harry smirks and I swot his arm. "bye harry, see you tomorrow?" I ask. "of coarse " he smiles and I jump out the car. I start making my way down the driveway before a hand grabs my waist and turns me around. in the blink of and eye, familiar soft lips crash on my own and butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"you forget my goodbye kiss" he says pulling back. "sorry" I mumble and peck his lips again. "your so amazing, maddison. and your all mine." he whispers "and your all mine" i reply. with that being said he lets me go and kisses my cheek. "goodbye beautiful" he smirks and I feel my cheeks going red. "bye" I mumble and continue walking down my driveway. when I get to my large wooden door i turn around and give harry a little wave.

the tv is on when I enter my house. this place is so foreign, since I have been gone the whole weekend. "mom?" I yell. and immediately my mom pokes her head from around the corner. "maddison!  where on earth have you been!" she shrieks. "you cant not come home!" she continues. "I thought something had happened to you.. like-like your father" she tears up and I start to tear up to. "mom, im not going anywhere, I promise. I love you, and im sorry for not calling you." I hug her. "its okay, I just get worried." she sniffles.

a couple minutes later we are in her room with a bowl of ice cream on our laps, "so, who was the boy that picked you up the other evening?" my mom asks and pops a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. "well, he is kind of my boyfriend now" I giggle and she fangirls. I love my mom so much. "im so happy for you hunny! whats he like, whats his name?" she asks "calm down mom, his name is harry" my cheeks go crimson "and he is really polite and funny" I mumble avoiding my moms eye contact. "aww, I totally ship you two" she says and I gasp "no mom. no. never say that again. " I laugh and she shrugs "im a cool mom. im down with the lingo" she laughs "oh my god, im leaving" I laugh and walk out her room and go into mine.

I flop down on my bed and smile as I remember the events from the past two days. I feel like im forgetting something though.. shit, my maths homework! im going to fail.       

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