um, what just happened?

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"took you long enough" harry said as i walked up to him.

"sorry, i got lost in that massive house" i giggled and continued "so, what are we going to do at midnight ?" I ask while looking around.

"You can tell you are new here , there is so much to do at night! Besides have sex, which we can still do" he jokes then winks at me

"No, absolutely not. Why else is there to do." I ask and stare at Harry, he looks like he is deep in thought and then he snaps back to reality and grabs my arm pulling me into the woods

After a couple of minutes of dodging trees and tripping over the roots of varies bushes and trees I decide to speak up "you are not dragging me out here to kill me right" I giggle nervously

"Yes actually, I was how did you know." He says and I don't know wether to believe him or not

"Just messing with you geez" he says and laughs then he stops and turns to face me

" do you trust me?" He asks seriously

"Never in a million years" I reply quickly causing him to chuckle and all the seriousness from his face to fade

"Good, that will make this even more interesting " he smirks making me worry ever so slightly. He then turns around and push a shrub out of the way revealing our final destination.

We are on a cliff over looking the dark blue ocean. It's beautiful. I follow Harry and sit down on the edge of the cliff with my legs hanging over the side. The full moon shines bright making its reflection the the ocean breath-taking. I look down and see the rocky shore with the waves violently crashing onto the rocks. A Chilli wind blows through my hair making me shiver and Harry seems to notice because he shrugs off his big coat and hangs it over my shoulders.. I strong sent of mint fills my nostrils and oddly enough I smell A strange sent of burning wood too.. It suites him, almost like. A misty smell.. It's wierd, it makes me feel safe, yet worried about something that I can't quit put my finger on..

I clear my thought and turn to Harry "why did you bring me here?" I ask

"Too be completely honest with you I wanted to make you jump off it, me too of coarse but I thought it would be fun. It's normally not so rocky though" he chuckles

"So you normally jump off here?" I gasp "what if you die!?" I ask and he stops and looks at me directly in the eye, making this situation more intense than it should

"What if you don't? " he says, those four words make me wonder..

"Hmmm, very wise mr. Styles" I say in British accent and he chuckles

" Maddison," he begins too say "why did you move here?" He asks with a curious tone to his voice.

"Why should I tell you? What would I get if I answer your question ?' I say and nudge him with my elbow.

"Hmm, I will answer one of your questions then." He says and I smile

"Well, my dad died.. Or 'was murderd ' and my mom is just running from the pain I guess, but she says she just wants a new beginning " I say and shrug like its nothing.

"Wouldn't you want to find out who killed - what's your fathers name anyway?" He asks

"Richard mentor " I say and as soon as I say those words Harry's body tenses up and his eyes widen to the size of goofballs..

"What a small world" he mumbles while getting up, causing me to get up as well "where you going?" I ask wondering why he is acting so strange all of a sudden

"Back to Rachel, I need a fuck, listen to me Maddison, don't come near me, stay as far away from me, I'm dangerous." He says causing my eyes to water, I honestly don't know why I care so much but anyway

"So your just gonna walk away from me like its nothing?!" I shout and shove him.

"Just-just go Maddison.. Trust me" he says calmly

"I will never trust you, ever! You sick basterd " I yell and walk away in the direction of the party so I can find amy and leave.

Why did he change when I told him who my father was? It's not like he knew him..? What ever, I honestly just want to go home and sleep.

As i arrive too the party I see amy drunk out of her mind dancing on a table and sigh, he was my ride home!

"What's with the sigh?" A voice startles me and I turn to see justin

"Agh, amy was my ride home" I huff and point to the drunk girl on the table.

He chuckles and replies " everyone knows not to make amy the designated driver" he says and I glare at him

"Woah, calm down, I will give you a ride." He says and puts his back on the small of my back and leads me out of his house. " thank you " I smile and look around one last time before climbing into his car, but about six figures catch my eye before I close the door, there is six shadows lurking in the woods, their just standing there, like there watching something or someone, It sends goosebumps up my arm when I think that I was just in the woods. What if-

"Are you going to close the door?" Justin's beautiful voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I chuckle before looking back at the shadows just to find that they have vanished.

"Yeah, right, that would be a wise option" I chuckle and lean back into the seat before the car roars to life and he speeds off into the darkness.

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now