balcony scene

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"im not trying to make you jealous, harry. besides why would you get jealous? you with rachel" i say while trying to push him off of me..

"hmm, your right, i do have rachel.. but i want you more. your like a drug, the less i have of you the more i want.. your addictive" his voice gets deeper with every word and i have to admit its sexy..

i dont reply and he moves his head from my neck and looks into my green eyes, its quite dark so i can just see you outline of his hair the the shine coming from his eyes.. he moves the slightest bit closer and i can feel his warn breath on my lips. he is still staring at me almost as if he is staring into my soul, he finally tears his eyes from mine and looks down at my lips the back to my eyes.

i lean forward and our lips graze over each other, its weird because the smallest touch from harry sends adrenaline through my body, he makes me feel like i can do anything, like i can fly and he will be there to catch me.

"the things you do to me, maddison" harry mumbles

what does he mean by that? does he feel what i am feeling now to? i hope so.

i move my hands to grabs his curls behind his neck and i sucks in a sharp breath and leans into my hand, he moves his one hand to my cheek and his other to the small of my back and pushes my against him, then moves closer and closer to me.. this is it, im going to share a kiss with harry sty-

"hazza baby!!!!" i terrible high pitched voice breaks our moment and harry jumps back in the blink of an eye..

"haz?" rachel says and walks onto the balcony then stops as she sees me

"babe, what she she doing here?" she spits

my cheeks must be flustered from our moment a couple of minutes ago..

"none of your business" harry says surprising me, did he defend me?

"haz im horny, would you like to go back to my place?" oh, um ew.

harry looks between me and her and nods making my jaw drop, that pig! he grabs her hand then pulls her away into the crowd of people. i let out a heavy sigh and lean over the balcony again, my head floods with thoughts about harry for about 10 minutes until something hits my face. i step back and look down to see a rock, did someone throw a rock at me!? i look over the balcony and see harry on the floor clutching his stomach from laughter. i cant help but let out a little giggle.

" im so-sorry' he says between laughter "i thought it would be romantic like romeo and juliet, but i forget there was no window" he says as he looks up at me

"your such as dumbass!" i say while laughing and looking down at him.

he then goes down on one knee and says "juliet let down your hair" and i laugh even louder

"harry! you cant be serious! its Rapunzel !!" i mange to say.

"agh! see that what i get for being romantic!" he says jokely

"well, romeo, my hair isnt long enough but give my 10 minutes and i will rip out rachels extensions and through it over" i say and we both double over in laughter.

'okay seriously! come down, i didnt ditch rachel to stand in the cold" and i smile, take that rachel!

"geez, my knight in shining amour everyone" i say and giggle making my way to harry..

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