ms stevens

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the day goes by fast. I take a different route home, so harry doesn't find me. I have avoided him the whole day, and I hate not taking to him. I miss him, I saw him 10 minutes ago, but I haven't spoken to him the whole day and its exhausting. but nevertheless, I need answers.

I walk past a old bookstore. its painted red, but half of the paint is chipped and the windows are filled with dust. it starts to drizzle as I step inside of the small store. a small bell rings indicating I have entered the room. the room smells of dust, and there are multiple book shelves packed with books. and old lady sits at the counter stirring her cup of tea and starring at nothing. I snap her out of my thoughts when I clear my throat.

"good afternoon" she grins and sips her tea. "anything you looking for in particular?"  she sets her tea down and wipes the counter. how do i ask her for a book concerning hell? she will think im crazy! "um, yeah I have a project.. for uh, school" I stutter and she stands up. "whats it about" she asks

"well, um, hell" I mumble and she raises her eyebrow "hunny, I have lived in this town for 56 years and I never head of children learning about hell" she puts her hands on her hips. "well, I guess they changed it then" I smile and she shrugs.

as she walks through the rows she drags her finger along the spines of the books before stopping on the section in the corner. "knock yourself out" she says and walks off. I watch her turn the corner before turning back to the few books.

I sit down on the old floor boards with my selection of books around me.

the rain pours down and thunder booms across the sky, as I sip my tea that the old lady made for me. none of these books are helping me, I huff in frustration and put the books back. well, this was a dead end. "I thought this would be of help to you" the old lady startles me and hands me a brown book. "thanks ms-" "ms stevens" she smiles and walks off.

the book doesn't have any markings on the front or back and its leather is torn and tattered. I carefully open the old book and the page I have opened it to has a picture of human figures being burnt alive. I flip a couple pages and smirk as I come across the familiar sentence. "nine circles of hell" I mumble and flip to the third circle


 habitual greed or excess in eating.

as punishment one is forced to lie in a vile slush and enduring a never ending icey rain. "

'shit' i whisper and flip the page

"circle four: GREED

two groups of prisoners. one group is over-spenders other group is hoarders. as punishment sinners have to push around heavy weights with their chests. if a sinner stops they will by burnt alive and they will have to start pushing the weight again. "

'circle five: ANGER

sinners are condemned to a eternity of fighting under water, always being pulled down in the depths  of the unknown."

the pictures along the descriptions of the circles make my skin crawl and I quickly slam the book closed. what does the circles have to do with the shadow people? I quickly make my way to the front desk. "hi ms stevens, could I borrow this book?" I ask and she shakes her head "sorry love, not that one. maybe you could come back tomorrow?" she asks and I nod. "I will see you tomorrow." I smile and walk out of the small shop.

dark clouds cover the skies and the roads are wet from the previous storm. I quicken my pace and cross my arms in an attempt to keep warm.

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