the woods: part 2

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"maddison, you're a clever girl. tell me about the nine circles of hell" Justin doesn't make eye contact with me but stares straight at harry.

"I don't know them all- limbo, lust, gluttony, greed and anger. that's all I know" I mumble. and look back at harry who is looking at Justin.

"heresy, violence and fraud" Justin says I furrow my eyebrows. "that's only eight" I say and harry steps towards me. "I know, but I want harry to tell you the other one" Justin smirks.

I look at harry "please don't do this maddi, you can still walk away and-" "enough!" I cut harry off "I want to know. now tell me about the last circle of hell!" I yell and distance myself from harry.

"treachery. " harry mumbles at looks directly into my eyes "its treachery- betrayal of ones trust." harry looks down. "so why is that one so important to you ?" I ask.

"yeah, harry why is it so important?" Justin smirks. "shut the fuck up!" harry booms. and justins smirk grows wider. his eyes melt into blackness and he starts twitching. "tell her harry. tell her everything!" Justin yells and black veins appear around his black orbs.

I look over at harry and she his eyes are the color of blood. his mouth is set in a frown and a thick vein from his neck is prominent. "im going to send you right back to where you came from" harry growls and storms towards Justin about he only get a couple feet before three shadow people surround him. "harry you know better than that" harry smirks and harry drops to his knees as a shadow person touches him.

"harry!" I yell and run towards him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" a voice whispers in my ear, a familiar voice "Amy?" I gasp. and turn my head in the direction of the voice.

"the one and only" she smirks and steps away from me. "what is going on?" I ask her in hope for answers. but she just backs away. I turn towards harry and gasp. he is still on his knees but his face is tilted up and his back is arched in pain. I hear a deep growl escape his lips and his hands roll into fists. "stop!" I helplessly yell staring at my boy I have fallen inlove with. "please" tears threaten to leave my eyes as i look to Justin.  "please" I repeat and harry falls to the floor. I immediately run up to him but as soon as I touch him I get thrown against a tree.

I cry out in pain as my limp body hits the floor. "maddison!" harry yells and stands up "don't move lover boy" Justin spits.

I lean against the tree as i try and stay conscious, black dots invade my vision as I inhale deeply. "maddison, what you don't know about harry over here is that he was once on of us" my eyes flick towards harry and he looks down. "precious harry over here- was a shadow person. infact, he was my right hand man." I look at Justin "but, harry decided to take what's mine. your innocent boyfriend killed my girlfriend-jade" Justins black eyes started to leak as his body started to shake.

"harry- my best mate- killed the love of my life why? because he felt like it." Justin chuckles "but guess what maddison" Justin looks at me as a gush of wind blows through my hair. "he forgot that shadow people could also be banished to the nine circles. which is exactly what I told Lucifer to do. so on 11 august 1864- Harold styles was banished to 'circle one' of hell- treachery. for betrayal" Justin smirks.  

"how are you here?" I ask harry "that's the fun part!" Justin smiles. "harry didn't like the idea of spending eternity in hell!" Justin yells.

"so he made a deal with the devil"

shivers run up my spine and I look to harry. his eyes changed back to his green ones and he looks at me. "maddi-" he whispers and walks up to me "I love you, remember that. I loved you since our first date." he mumbles and his eyes gloss over. "harry I-" Justin interrupts.

"the deal was that harry has to come to earth and bring Lucifer the souls of sinners for the other eight circles. if he does that- he is free to go. "

thoughts race through my throbbing head and I come to one conclusion,

"did you murder-" I begin to ask and harry cuts me off "yes, I did. I murdered mrs petters. she was a hoarder which is a form of greed. and I also murdered that girl in the alley - the one you saw me with- for fraud. " my face paled.

his a murderer- but isn't he ridding the world of sinners? "who else?" I whisper "the shadow person that raped amy-for lust and the police officer for gluttony "

"carry on harry" Justin yells. "who else" I cup his cheek "I- I cant" a tear slips from harrys eyes. "im so sorry"  "harry just tell me" I whisper and stare into his eyes.

"Richard. Richard mentor" he mumbles and I back away-  no, no the world starts spinning. my dad? "wh-why?" I stutter and shake my head. "anger- he abused your mother maddi, " he says sympathetically. no, that's not true. my mother would tell me. as I back away I trip over a rock but I don't feel a impact. im numb.

"and before I leave you two" Justin smirks " the last thing he needs to do before he is freed. " Justin pauses dramatically

"is take the soul of a virgin." the wind is knocked out of me.

he was going to kill me.

tears roll down my cheeks and my vision becomes blurry. "how could you!" I spit. the black dots return and my head feels like its going to explode. "maddi!" I hear harry yell as my numb body hits the ground and darkness invades my thoughts.

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