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"Mom!" I shout As I stepped foot into my house " mom" I say again as I enter the kitchen. "Hello sweetie, where have you been?" She asks completely unaware of my intense night. "No where, mum, whatever you do.. Do not go into the woods" I say

"Sweetie, I have been into the woods before. It's beautiful!" Mom says completely unaware of the dangers that lurk behind the trees. "Did you.. See anything different? Like, um, shadows?" I ask. "No sweetie." I sigh in relief before demanding that she never goes into the woods again and run upstairs to take a shower befor I have to head to school. I think I'm just going to put this whole event behind me. As long as I don't go into the woods right?


"Yea, the date with Justin was pretty lame" I shrug and continue snacking on my chips in the cafeteria.

"Awww, I totally shipped you to" kat pouts and pops a chip off my plate into her mouth.

"Yeah" Amy agrees. Amy been off lately and I need to get to the bottom of it.

In between lesson 4 and 5 I decide to ask Amy if anything is wrong.

"Amy, is anything bothering you?" I ask. Then all of a sudden she breaks down in tears and I immediately comfort her "Amy, you no you can trust me right?" I say and she nods before she takes a shaky breath.

"Maddi, I - went to the woods" she begins " nothing happened until I tried to leave. I heard voices, and then everything went black. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. But.. but I could feel hand touching me.. everywhere. . And then.." Amy is in tears by this time "someone.. ra-raped me" I whispers. "And I don't even know who " Amy finishes.

I'm in shock, could it be Justin? Or harry.. "Amy, I'm here for you" I try and comfort her before she pulled away "um, I'm going to go home Maddi see you later" Amy whispers. And walks off

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now