"raisins" "yuk"

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i sit on my bed and ruffle my knotty hair. I don't understand why this is happening to me. I haven't done anything and im sick of not getting answers. this shadow people are forcing me in the situation, and I don't know how to stop them. who do I go to.

amy? why did she have the same markings, and what does nine circles mean. im so confused. I flop back on my bed and wait for dreams to invade my thoughts. and eventually it does.

the next day, I wake up to a clean wall. I should be shocked, but quite frankly, its not the weirdest thing that has happened to me. I quickly roll out of bed and do my morning routine.


"morning Katharine"  I mumble and she looks at me with wide eyes "it sounds so weird when people say my full name" I giggles. I wanted to giggle along with her but im to tired.

"kat, tell me everything you know about the shadow people" I ask. she thinks for a moment "well, I don't know much really, just that they weren't always here, and they - well, that's about it" she shrugs. that was a dead end.

the day goes by slowly and I finally find myself walking home. i actually miss harry, I haven't seen him since the picnic. what if he was just using me! oh my god i am so stupid. to believe i actually like -

"need a ride" I hear a familiar deep voice. I turn to see a smirking harry with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his lip. he is wearing raybans and his hair is swept back. I nod and walk over to the passenger side.

I pull the door open but before I get in he zooms 5 metres away from me, I huff and walk to the door "haha, very funny." I huff and try and get in the car, but to my irritation he does it again "harry" I groan and he starts laughing. I can hear him laugh from a mile away. I run up to his car and cross my arms.

"sorry babe, I wont do it again" he says and I open the door again to try and get in but harry has other plans and pulls off again "harry! " I shout and he starts laughing again "that was the last time, I promise" he laughs and I get in. finally.

"why have you been gone for so long?" I ask "have you missed me" He smirks

I sigh and mumble 'forget it' under my breath.

all of a sudden the car comes to a halt in the middle of the road, I turn to face harry and see that harry is looking at me with his eyebrows raised. "tell me what the matter is" he says. "nothing" groan "its nothing " I repeat. "I guess we not going anywhere then" he says and I look behind us to see a line of cars behind us. "tell me" he says and I hear 'honks' coming from behind us

"I thought you didn't want to see m anymore after what we did, after what I did and the picnic" I blush and I feel like crawling in a ball in the corner. harry places his hand on my thigh "babe, I would never do that to you, maybe some one else, but you are different" he smiles and I nod. "where were you?" I ask and he tenses, "taking care of something"

I was about to ask him what he was taking care  of when someone tapped on the window. harry quickly rolled down the window and looked at the man. "mate, can you fucking move" he grumbles. "sure!" harry replies as if he is crazy and zooms down the road.

we have been driving around for 45 minutes talking about nothing, joking and making fun of the way other people drives "he looks like a turtle!" he says and I double over in laughter. their is a comfortable silence in the car and I looks around to see that the sun has set and we are zooming down a long road with no cars insight. I would usually be scared of where harry is taking me, but I guess I trust harry. an idea pops in my mind, this is  the only way im going to see if harry has anything to do with the shadow people, or 'nine circles'.

"lets play a game? " I ask and he nods "I say a word you give me the first word that pops in your head." he nods again and looks at me "shoot" he smiles

"um, raisins" "yuk" he replies instantly

"marshmallows" "yum" he says

"Justin" "asshole"

I take a deep breath before saying the next two words

"nine circles."

he slams the brakes causing me to shoot forward, luckily my seat belt saves me. the car leaves skid marks on the road and dust lingers in the air. harrys hands are tightly wrapped around the steering wheel and he is looking straight ahead of him. my heart is beating through my chest.

harrys head slowly turns to me and his dark eyes meet mine before he mumbles one word that makes my blood crawl.


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