football field

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"harry?" I mumble as I pull away from our embrace "hmmm" he hums "please tell me whats going on" I say and he sighs "mad-" I cut him off "I don't care if im involved in this or not, I need answers. or-or-" "or what?" harry challenges "or we are over. im sorry, I really have strong feelings for you but I cant be in the dark any longer." I say hoping he well give me answers.

harrys lips curl up "you think its that easy?" he says taking a step towards me and I take a step back "you know what? go on, on away maddi" he says evilly. I try and move but its as if my body is stuck to the ground. I cant move my legs, I cant move my hands. what is gong on? I try and speak but no words come out of my mouth. "go on- walk away" harry says as he grabs my cheek and forces me to look at him. I still cant move, its as if I was paralyzed.

"oh, you cant walk away? " he says leaning closer to me "you cant walk away because its not that fucking easy maddison!" harry booms as I see his eyes go red, and black veins appear around his crimson eyes. my heartbeat quickens but I trust harry. I trust he wont do anything to hurt me. "see my eyes maddison? wanna know why its like this?" he taunts "because I have fucking been to hell! I have walked through all nine circles of it- I fucking met the devil! and now im back. im on a mission maddison. and your fucking innocent mind cant seem to stay the fuck out of it!" harry is booming. not yelling- booming.

I finally get the feeling in my legs back. I guess harrys little rant made him forget about paralyzing me. I quickly reach out to him "harry, tell me. please I want to -"

"help?" he cuts me off "you cant help! you so fucking stupid maddison. your forcing yourself into a nightmare!" he says his eyes still red "harry I need you to calm down " I lightly touch his shoulder and he quickly grabs my arm "don't fucking touch me" he roars and I feel my self lift off the earth and fling through the air, I don't have time to scream before my body hits the hard grass. I turn to lie on my back and groan. my hair is sprawled over my face and I gasp in for air frantically. did he just throw me across the field?

I quickly move to get up and face harry. he is just standing with his back towards me. is he not going to help me? I walk over to harry- every stride I take getting quicker and quicker as I feel my palm twitch.

"hey harry" I yell and he turns towards me. he is clearly surprized that I recovered so quickly, so am I, I think its the adrenaline. I take one last stride towards him before making my fist connect with his jaw. his face jerks to the right. "now that is no way to treat a lady" I yell. "who do you think you are? flinging me across the field like that!?" I say and put my hands on my hips.

harrys red eyes lock with mine and next thing I knew is we are in the woods. "what the-" before I can finish my sentence harry pins me to a tree "dont ever hit me" harry growls and I scoff and push him with all my might and wiggle out of his gasp. "don't ever fling me over a fucking football field" I say and cross my arms.

harry raises is eyebrows and his eyes return to its usual colour.  "your so weird" he states. okay, now that hurts. "says the one with red eyes" I fling my arms in the air. "why aren't you scared of me" he says and pushes me slightly  as if im not human. "because I trust you?" I reply hesitantly "wow, alright.." he says awkwardly and looks around. what the hell?

"your such a bastard, now that your done with 'trying to scare me away; will you tell me what the fuck possessed you to fling me across a football field!" I say and push him as well. he doesn't reply. "you really aren't the least bit scared of me right now?" harry says "no! "I yell "what are you?!"

"a sinner" he replies and watches me to see how I would react.

oh, so the shadow people are supposedly protecting this town from.. harry. alright one piece of the puzzle. cool. on to the next one. "why are the shadow people protecting us from you?" I say and he tilts his head "how did you know that?" he questions

my heart beat quickens again. shit. "uhh, the um, guy told me.." I choke out and he walks closer to me "who?" "uhh, the man" I stall. its funny how im afraid of jealous harry but not the 'hell' harry. "I will fling you again" he threatens "Justin" I say. "why?" he asks "I needed answers harry, so I called Justin." I state.

harry breaths in and walks towards and tree behind him. he quickly turns to me and mumble 'excuse me' before violently ripping the tree from the earth and tossing it over the woods. "sorry about that " he breaths and turns to face me. "no problem " I mumble.

"sooo, " I awkwardly say. "the weather is nice today" I say and look up.  "maddison, you are honestly the most perfect match for me" harry smiles. well, that made 1000 butterflies burst in my stomach. "your just as crazy as I am, you aren't scared of me because I just ripped a tree out of the ground and flung you across a football field. but you are mad because-" he thinks of why i was mad "because Its disrespectful!" I sigh "exactly!" he laughs. his laugh is contagious and I find myself laughing along his him. "your just as crazy as I am!" he laughs and I just nod. "maybe that's why I'm in love with you" he says.

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