willow tree

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"Mr dereham" I say as a greeting before sitting at my desk,  it's been quite a while after the incident  by the woods but Amy hasn't been the same, she has been of school ever since the day she told me about the grueling time of hers in the woods. Justin hasn't pitched to school either, thank god, so not much has happened.

"Justin good to see you back" Mr dereham says which catches my attention immediately. I look up to find Justin staring at me already. I quickly turn to face harry, who is sitting behind me, and gulp. 'What do I do 'I mouth to harry and harry quickly tells me to put my bag on my chair because since Amy isn't at school no one is sitting next to me.

Just as my bag hits the chair next to me I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I slump back down into my desk only to gasp when someone drops down to sit next to me and chucks my bag on the floor. Shit no

Just don't make eye contact I say to myself, just one hour. If only is was this easy.

Seconds seem to drag into minutes, and minutes feel like an eternity. I can feels justins dark gaze burn into the side of my face and harry gaze burning the the back of my head, the room seemed to be getting smaller and smaller with every second that ticked by, Justins hand swiftly moved to my knee and started inching further and further up my leg. Justin knew what he was doing was making me uncomfortable, but that was probably his plan after all. 

His hand slowly inches further and further  up my thigh. And I briskly stand up causing the whole class to look at me and Justin to chuckle and cross his arms. Basterd. 

"Ms. Maddison? " Mr dereham asks raising his one eyebrow. Shit think Maddison, think.

"I, can I,  um, go to the bathroom" I stutter

"No, class has just began" Mr dereham states. Asshole.

"Then can I move?" I ask not wanting to sit next to Justin ever again.

"No." Asshole

Never the less, I grab my bag and move to the seat next to harry.

"Maddison I said no." Mr dereham repeats himself

"Well, Mr dereham, that chair was squeaking and I took the responsibility to move so I don't disturb the class, you can thank me later" I smile. Good one Maddi,  I say  victoriously.

Class carrys on and of course Justin put a note on the end of my table. I don't even want to look at it though. I turn to face harry and roll my eyes. Harry chuckles and winks at me. 'Follow my lead' he whispers and with that he calls out to Mr dereham.

"Sir, Wat was the punishment for wrighting notes in the school again?" Harry asks

"detention" he replies

"Oh, I just wanted to inform you that Maddison has just received a note from Justin.  And she didn't even open it because she wants to show you respect" harry states and my jaw dropped sneaky boy, very sneaky.

But I decide to defend harry "yes sir, it's true, I have told him countless amounts of times that it's wrong but he doesn't stop" I say

"Very well, justin, see you in detention." He simply states and I high five harry in victory. 


"Niall, how do you eat so much and still stay so skinny?!" I exclaim.

Since niall still has a mouthful of food he just chuckles and shrugs.

"He has a fast metabolism, "Liam said. Liam is such  know it all! I love it

"That's Liam,  how  is Stacey? " I ask. Stacey is liams girlfriend, I don't Like her but as long as she makes Liam happy is fine.

"She is fine, but it's her birthday and she said her presents has to be big, so I'm working extra hours so I can get enough money." Liam sighs

"Liam, all you have to do is get her something special, not expensive, and if she still doesn't like it then she must jump of a bridge . She can't expect you to do that " I state and liam just shrugs. I guess this conversation is over. I glance  over to naill to see he has polished his burger  and is currently stuffing chips into his mouth. Boys.

"Where is kat?" Liam asks

"She has volley ball practice "I replied

The rest of the day goes by swiftly, and I found myself walking I to my front door in know time. Mom's working late tonight so I guess it's just me.

I haven't really spent time alone in my new house, it's quite old but has modern features.  I really need to do some gardening because the garden is completely overgrown.

I walk up to the window so I can get a closer look at the garden, there is a big drooping tree in the corner which really needs to be cut, and a whole bunch of bushes and shrubs scattered all over the garden.

I look back at the tree and through the reeds I see something that catches my attention. I squint my eyes to see it better, then gasp when I realise what I am seeing. A black figure standing up strait and tall. Not moving, just standing, and watching. then the wind started blowing and the long reeds of the tree started swaying and in a split second, the dark figure disappeared.

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