net scene

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I gasp as my back hits the rough net, harry flings my top behind him and closes the distance between us. his lips aren't gentle anymore, its rough, as if he needs me. I love it.

my fingers trail down to  his belt, I quickly undo it but realise that there is no way I will take his jeans off in the position so I quickly pull his top over his head and throw it in the same direction as he threw my shirt.

skin against skin, is the best feeling in the world. our heavy breathing is the only thing that can be heard since we are in the middle of no where. "maddi," harry rasps "maddi, are you a virgin?" I pale. shit, I forgot I told him that I liked it rough. I just said that so I don't look like a nun. gah.

harry must sense my humiliation because he chuckles and mumbles' we'll go slow' he peppers kisses down my neck and down to my breasts, I moan as he sucks a spot just above my nipple making sure he leaves a mark.

he then proceeds to kiss down my stomach and hooks his finger in my pants and looks at me before slowly sliding them down my creamy legs. thank god I shaved before I left. shit! what underwear am I wearing? I look down to see im wearing my purple ones, not my sexiest one but at least it not my granny panties.  

"harry" I moan as he sucks on my inner thigh, his long fingers hooking the middle of my panties close to my core and pulls them down. fuck, he looks so sexy in between my legs. his fingers trail up before he finally rubs against my clit, fuck. I let out a soft moan. and roll my head back.

my head shoots up as I feel his warm tongue dance on my aching core, slowly he slides his one finger into me, my moans get louder and louder as he pumps in and out of me. with every thrust he gets faster and its unbearable, I feel my walls tighten around his fingers. "that's right baby," harry speaks "cum for me, just for me. no one can make you feel the way I do. only me. "

"harry " I gasp as I cum around him, he licks his fingers before crashing his lips to mine. my kiss is sloppy because im still in a blissful state.

harry slides my pants back on and gets my top. it gets cold all of a sudden, so i quickly slip on my  sweater.

I watch as harry looks at me with hungry eyes. I crawl over to him and sit on his lap. I begin rocking my hips against him while sucking on his neck. my hands tangle in his curls and a pull on it causing him to moan. "fuck maddi, yes - fuck" I smirk as I found his sweat spot. and suck and swirl my tongue on that spot knowing that it will leave a mark. take that Rachel.

"you aren't allowed up there" an unfamiliar voice startles me. what the fuck? I still and harry mumble a few curse words under his breath. wait, shit! he cant see us because the light from his phone isn't proving he most light thank god. if he had to see us like this  would cry in a ball of embarrassment "what do we do" I panics "continue" he growls before kissing me making me giggle "harry!" he sighs

'come" he taps my thighs indicating for my to get of him. right.

"mam, sir, please get off and come to me." the man says in a deep voice

"fuck off" harry spits while making his way down the ladder. thank go our eyes are adjusted to the dark. I start making my way down the ladder and jump on the ground.

"sir, im going to have to take you in for invasion of someone else's  property " he says and starts walking to us. harry grabs my hand and tugs my in the direction of his car. "harry, he is gonna catch us, I don't want to go to jail, oh my-" "the police in this town are fat fucks, the only thing that is going to make them run is a sale at daniels donuts" he chuckles.

the car ride home is peaceful and comfortable.

"thank you harry, I had a great time." I smile and lean across the the drivers side and kiss his cheek

"no problem babe" he smirks.

I close the door wit the goofiest smile on my face and I love it!   

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now