teleport thingy

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I just want to say thank you for 1K reads!! I thought no one would read my book, so thank you !!

i didn't know how to reply. i have strong feelings for harry, but love? i don't even know what love feels like. "inlove?" i whisper mainly to myself. was he joking ?was this a sick joke or something?

"yes, and i don't want you to reply. i know its going to take time for you to love me back, but i will wait, because i haven't felt like this for a while maddi, and to be honest, i fucking hate the feeling because its a sign of weakness. but i don't care you know why?" harry takes a deap breath   "because i love you." harry releases the breath.

he isn't joking. harry loves me, he. loves. me. i am at a loss for words. what do i say? thank you? "um, i have strong feelings for you harry, i just don't know if its love" i mumble and he cups my cheek "its okay maddi." he says and kisses me. a sweet, gentle - dare i say it- loving kiss.


"we missed class again harry" i grumble. "who cares, its holiday soon anyway. are you going to the party?" harry says as he kicks a rock. we are currently down the road in-between the woods. "maybe, im not into the party scene" i shrug. "as long as i am with you, i don't want you dancing for anyone but me"  harry smirks and i blush.

"please don't remind me" i groan and cover my red cheeks. "how could i forget!" he laughs and stops walking "that night was the first time i got jealous over a girl. " he says and takes my hands before i can cover my reddened cheeks again.

"Harold you need to stop being romantic " i laugh and peck his lips before starting to walk again.

"so, whats your favourite food?" harry asks catching up to me. the whole walk home consists of harry and i getting to know each other better and me playfully swotting his arm every time he makes a perverted comment.

"harry we have been walking for ages " i groan and he chuckles "we have been walking for 15 minutes!" he exclaims "exactly!" i throw my arms in the air dramatically. "your cute" harry pecks my cheek before wrapping his arms around me "what are you-"

all of a sudden  harry and i are on the football field

"doing " i mumble. and turn to face harry and narrow my eyes "what?" harry laughs

"you made me walk for 15 minutes, when you could of done this transporting thingy all along!" i say and cross my arms. "i wanted to talk" he smirks and shrugs. "we could have talked at school" i growl "but then you would have forced me to go to school" he pouts

"cuteness wont get you out of this one styles!" i huff. harry smirks and looks around "remember when i flung you arcoss the field" he laughs. "yes, i do, and that was today you idiot!" i chuckle

"how did you recover so quickly" he says "i don't know i think it was because i was so pissed at you" i laugh. "and i still am!" i exclaim "would you like me to toss you again?" he laughs and i frantically shake my head.

as im laughing i look over to this curly haired idiot in front of me. he really is crazy, but i guess he is right. im just as crazy as him. i wonder if i can also do that teleport thingy.

"wait" i whisper and furrow my eyes. realisation just hit me like a truck.

fuck. i feel my palms start to sweat.

"what is it" harry asks reaching out to me. and i pull back.

"harry how did you do that teleporting thingy, and what do you mean you have been to hell. and why is Justin after you, and-and " i furrow my eyebrows even more "wait- your a sinner, so why are- how did you escape hell. " i say and look into his eyes.

harry doesn't say anything.

seconds change into minutes

"harry, answer me." i surprise my self by saying it so firmly.

"i cant maddison. i don't know where to begin" he shakes his head. "begin from the beginning" i say.  and take a breath before saying the next sentence "or i will go to Justin.. and.. " i close my eyes " i will never see you again. "

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now