I need answers

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"Liam, you really don't have over work yourself for Stacey.. im sure she will appreciate a gift from the heart" amy says "well, she doesn't " he sighs.

"don't you think she may be-like, using you?" I mumble not meeting his gaze. "I love her" he says. "as long as she is with me I will make sure she gets nothing but the best." he continues.

that's cute, I wonder what love feels like, unconditional love. doing anything for your partner, even if it risks your life. I hope I find that one day, maybe with harry.

"what are you thinking about?" I practically jump out of my skin. "don't do that !" I yell at this curly haired goof. "good morning baby" he smirks and kisses me.

"um, are we missing something?" liam, amy and kat say simultaneously. harry wraps his arms around my waist and puts his chin on my shoulder. "harry and I are going out" I smile. kat fangirls but amy raises her eyebrows and turns to harry "but your a player" she questions and I gasp "amy!" liam whispers but harry replies

"I am, she is right.. im a player" harry says and looks at me , before talking "but maddison is my coach." he smirks and I blush. "good one" I smile and he kisses my nose. "yeah, im going to use that one on Stacey" liam chuckles and pats his shoulder.

"your incapable of love harry." amy spits. "amy your shaking are you okay?" I ask. I hear a growl escape her lips and her eyes close.. "amy?" kat taps her. amys eyes shoot open and I gasp. her eyes are black. I get shivers and harry steps infront of me. "amy, breath" harry says sternly. "no" she shouts and pounces at harry. before she reaches him, a pair of arms wrap around her waist and pulls her down.


Justin whispers something in her ear and she automatically snaps back to normal. "sorry about that." Justin smiles. and drags her away. "what the fuck" liam shrieks. "yeah, what just happened!" kat yells. I shrug and turn to harry.

"don't look at me " harry puts up his hands. "her yes were black" kat says to liam. "maybe she got eye liner in her eyes?" he ponders aloud. idiot.

"harry, what just happened " I whisper to harry.

"your friend almost transformed into a shadow person" he mumbles and looks ahead

"amy is a shadow person?" I whisper-yell

"shhh - yes, one of them got killed so they turned amy into one of them." he says. "how do you know this?" I question and he looks at me "I killed him."

"okay, liam-kat.. im going to go to the library " I announce and drag harry in the direction of the fields bleachers. when we arrive i turned to face him. "don't lie to me." I say calmly and look around "did you kill him" "yes" harry replies.

"oh my god, your a murderer" I take a step back.  "no, I rid the world of a shadow person, you should be happy" he shrugs. "you got my friend turned into one!" I yell.

"how was I soppost to know they would choose amy?" harry is acting as if this is no big deal. "harry, you don't kill people!" I snort and throw my hands in the air. "are we having our first fight as a couple?" he smirks. "oh my god harry, your unbelievable" I mumble and shake my head.

"shadow people are already dead anyway." he sighs.

"how do you know all of this!" I shout. "are you like an expert on shadow people or something?" I ask and he laughs.  

"stop laughing this isn't funny!" I huff and cross my arms. "lets just say, im more dangerous than a shadow person" he smirks and steps closer to me.

"that's impossible, your scared of dragonflies" i say

"did you really have to bring that up?" he grumbles and I giggle. wait, im soppost to be mad at him. "harry, what is your deal!" im starting to get frustrated.

"I need you to trust me cause im sick and tiredof being in the dark!"  I run my hands through my hair.

"maddison, your not ready for that." he sighs and tries to reach out for me. "no" I swot his arm and he looks shocked. "no" I say again "you cant expect me to be okay. I need answers." I say and walk away from him.

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